摘 要
Machining Center is installed in a card, to achieve automatic milling, drilling, boring, Reaming, Tapping and other processes of CNC machine tools. A more explicit statement of Machining Center is the automatic tool change CNC milling machines. This brings the processing center and automatic tool change CNC lathe and turning centers to distinguish.
Machining Center is different from other CNC milling machines to the main features is that it has under the technological requirements for automatic tool change function, Automatic Tool Change (ATC) function.
Machining Center, ATC system is usually a knife and the composition manipulator, it is a symbol of the processing center. Machining Center is the key to success. Therefore the processing center manufacturers are vigorously developing the next moves quickly, high reliability, ATC, to the fierce competition to achieve good results。It is precisely because of automatic tool change is the core processing center, the manufacturers are confidential, rarely disclose the information In particular, some manipulator so start anew.
Add to the automatic tool change form, it can be divided into a manipulator tool change and free manipulator ATC way. ATC machining centers, most using a manipulator tool change, because it is more time-saving.
Due to hydraulic-driven manipulators need strict sealed need more complex buffer, manipulator control of the solenoid valve moves have a certain amount of time constants, because slower speed up the pace. In recent years, domestic and foreign has developed a cam linkage arm-grasping manipulator. This manipulator from the advantages of motor-driven, not more complex hydraulic system and its sealed buffer, no leakage, simple, reliable. Meanwhile, the manipulator arm and rotary knife inserted, the decomposition Everyone moves are linked, and some may overlap time, thus greatly reducing the time ATC。
KeyWords:Manipulator; Machining Center; Automatic tool change
手臂的抓刀方式,是通过2个顶柱来完成的。换刀的过程是这样的,机械手先旋转80°,这时刀具和顶柱1接触,通过作用力,顶柱1回缩,刀具进入刀爪内,接下来手臂做垂直下降动作,顶柱2卡死顶柱1的位置,使顶柱1不能移动,保证了刀具在接下来的旋转中不会飞出,当手臂下降到规定位置的时候,手臂开始继续旋转180°,完成换刀,然后手臂做垂直向上运动,新刀和旧刀同时进入主轴和刀库的夹具里,这时,顶柱2回到原位,顶柱1恢复活动,最后,手臂反向旋转 80°,刀具脱离手抓,完成换刀。

目 录 22000字
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪 论 1
1.1国内外数控机床的的发展情况 1
1.1.1 加工中心发展简史 1
1.1.2 加工中心的主要优点 2
1.1.3 加工中心的发展趋势 3
1.2可编程控制器的特点 5
2换刀机械手的相关介绍 7
2.1 数控技术的发展历程 7
2.2数控加工中心的基本功能 7
2.3加工中心的组成部分 8
2.3.1 刀库 8
2.3.2 刀具交换装置(机械手) 8
2.3.3 运刀装置 9
2.3.4 刀具编码装置 9
2.3.5刀具识别装置 10
2.4刀库的驱动及定位 10
2.5我国数控系统的发展概况 11
2.6数控系统的发展趋势 11
2.7 ATC装置的分类 11
2.8 ATC装置的换刀速度比较 13
2.9 分步双爪式ATC装置 14
2.10自动换刀系统产品化的前景 15
3 换刀机械手的总体方案设计 16
3.1 设计任务 16
3.2机械手的平稳性 16
3.2.1、影响平稳性以定位精度的因素 16
3.2.2 机械手的运动特性 17
3.3机械手运动特性的分类 18
3.4开关型机械手的速度及位置控制 18
3.5机械传动型机械手速度及位置控制 19
3.6 机械手类型确定 19
3.7 驱动系统和电控系统的选择 19
3.7.1驱动系统的选择 19
3.7.2电控系统的选择 20
4 总体结构设计 23
4.1 手爪部分设计 23
4.2 机械手手臂的设计 24
4.2.1臂部要防止偏重 24
4.2.2加强臂部刚度 25
4.2.3改进缓冲装置和提高配合精度 25
4.2.4采取的措施: 25
4.3机械手传动结构的设计 27
5 换刀机械手的参数和计算 30
5.1 手臂的弯曲变形 30
5.2 连杆的强度计算 32
5.3 驱动电动机的选择 32
6 换刀过程 35
结 论 39
参考文献 40
致 谢 42