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总的来说曲柄连杆机构是发动机借以产生并传递动力的机构。通过它把燃料燃烧后发出的热能转变为机械能。两端带堵的中空摇臂轴是通过气门摇臂轴支座固定于气缸盖上,两摇臂间装有弹簧,防止摇臂左右移动。机油从气门摇臂轴支座的油道经摇臂轴内腔和摇臂中的油道流向摇臂两端进行润滑。左曲柄上的链轮随曲轴旋转, 通过链条带动凸轮轴链轮旋转。凸轮轴的旋转,使气门摇臂上下摆动,控制进、排气门按时开闭。

关键词:左曲柄  夹具设计  工艺分析  工艺规程

Left crank parts machining process planning and equipment design

Abstract: The left crank is on the motorcycle engine valve train parts, the left crank is a crank and connecting rod of the left crank
Left crank in structure with the fluid needle bearings, timing gears, connecting rods, and ball bearings attached to the heart, a connecting rod and the exhaust valve, piston combination connected to connecting rod is the internal combustion engine working cycle, energy Conversion of transmission used to deliver power and changing the way of exercising. Work, connecting rod for power trip in the reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary crankshaft motion, external output power, while in the other three trips, that is, the intake, compression and exhaust stroke of the crankshaft again rotary motion into reciprocating linear motion of the piston
Overall Crank the engine to generate and deliver power to the institutions. Through its issued after the fuel combustion into mechanical energy. Ends with a block of the hollow rocker shaft through the valve rocker shaft bearings fixed on the cylinder head, fitted with springs between the two rocker arm to prevent arm move around. Oil from the valve rocker shaft bearing oil duct lumen by the rocker shaft and rocker arm in the oil duct at both ends of the flow of lubrication. Left with the crank sprocket on the crankshaft rotation, rotation by a chain driven camshaft sprocket. Camshaft rotation, valve rocker arm to swing up and down, the control inlet and outlet opening and closing the door on time
The design includes valve rocker shaft bearing design process planning and fixture required blank selection, machining allowance OK, cutting tools, machine tool selection and mobile computers and other materials on time, while the formulation machining process specification methods do the appropriate discourse. Theoretical analysis, this process and fixture is practicable.
Keywords: Left crank  Fixture Design  Process Analysis  Process planning




目 录
1.1 现代机械制造工艺概述 .. 3
1.2 机械制造工艺的发展趋势 . 3
1.2.1 采用模拟技术 ,优化工艺设计 . 3
1.2.2 成形精度向少无余量方向发展 .. 3
1.2.3 成形质量向“零缺陷”方向发展 .. 3
1.2.4 机械加工向超精密、超高速方向发展 .. 4
1.2.5 采用自动化技术,实现工艺过程的优化控制 .. 4
2 零件的分析  5
2.1 零件的作用 . 5
2.2 零件的材料 . 7
2.3 零件的工艺性分析 ... 7
2.4 零件的三维视图  8
3 工艺规程设计 . 12
3.1 制定零件工艺规程的原则和技术要求 . 12
3.1.1 工艺要求 . 12
3.1.2 技术依据 . 13
3.2 生产类型的确定 .. 13
3.3 确定毛坯的制造形式  13
3.4 制定工艺路线 .. 14
3.5 机械加工余量、工艺尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 ... 19
3.6 确定切削用量及基本工时 ... 21
4 夹具设计 32
4.1 夹具及其作用 .. 32
4.4 夹具的发展趋势 .. 33
4.5 机床夹具的工作原理及分类与组成 ... 34
4.5.1 夹具工作原理的要点:  34
4.5.2 夹具的分类与组成 ... 34
4.6 对夹具体设计的基本要求  35
4.7 问题的提出 .. 36
4.8 夹具设计 36
4.8.1 钻床夹具设计  36
4.8.2 铣床夹具设计  38
小 结 ...41
参考文献.. . 42
致 谢43