摘 要
Concrete mixing stations were produced and developed with the birth of cement. It is the construction of the necessary equipment for buildings, bridges, roads, dams and other projects. It’s constructed from storage materials, ingredients, stirring, discharge, and other structural components, and it is a subject to the constraints of the complex multi-link system. As China's economic construction and the rapid development, Comprehensive national strength constantly enhance the state's infrastructure construction investment increased to boost the city's rapid development of ready-mixed concrete, so that the concrete mixing stations have larger space for development, the initial Mixing station only in the form of stand-alone, self-mix concrete-occupied, with the construction of infrastructure facilities for large-scale, a lot of ready-mixed concrete market was developed, the demand for mixing stations are larger and larger, and measures are increasingly demanded, so the mixing stations with various forms of measurement devices were developed, thereby the modern concrete mixing station was created.
Common concrete mixing stations control ways may be the three kinds: Relay direct control, PLC and computer combination of ingredients and the PLC and controller combination. But PLC controller and a combination of ingredients control of the mixing station is reliable, cost-effective and can ensure the quality of concrete, increase the production efficiency. As the core of concrete mixing stations. The controlling and monitoring program in the measurement precise, reliable control, easy management and other aspects is increasingly demanded.
This paper for PLC and the combination of ingredients controller to control the mixing station will design its controlling and monitoring program . In the main text I must complete a systematic structure, the I / O distribution of PLC and prepare the work flow chart and PLC program.
Key words: concrete mixing station; the I / O distribution; programmable logic controller (PLC); automatic control
① 了解混凝土搅拌站的工作原理,国内外的研究发展现状;
② 完成混凝土搅拌站的接线图;
③ 完成I/O模块;
④ 熟练掌握S7-200的使用,在使用编写梯形图;
⑤ 完成设计说明书的撰写,并翻译外文资料1篇。

目 录
摘 要 III
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题研究的内容和意义 1
1.2 国内研究以及混凝土搅拌机的现状和国内市场分析 1
1.2.1 国外PLC发展状况 1
1.2.2 国内PLC发展状况 2
1.3 本课题应达的要求: 2
2 混凝土搅拌站设备 3
2.1 水泥的运输、存储 3
2.1.1 水泥罐车 3
2.2 水泥料仓 5
2.2.1 粉料罐 5
2.2.2 仓顶收尘机 6
2.2.3 压力安全阀 6
2.2.4 吹灰管 6
2.2.5 料位指示器 6
2.2.6 手动蝶阀 7
2.2.7 粉料罐 7
2.2.8 破拱装置 7
2.2.9 检修梯子 7
2.2.10 仓体 7
2.2.11 支腿 7
2.3 水泥料仓的工作原理 8
2.4 配料站 8
2.4.1 粉料称量 8
2.4.2 称重传感器 9
2.5 物料输送系统 10
2.5.1 骨料输送 10
2.5.2 粉料输送 10
2.5.3 液体输送 10
2.6 混凝土搅拌机 11
3 混凝土搅拌站PLC程序设计 12
3.1 混凝土搅拌站接线图 12
3.2 电器控制构成 14
3.2.1 PLC的工作原理 15
3.2.2 可编程控制器的选用及组态软件的选择 17
3.3.2 模拟输入量包括砂子、石子等重量 17
3.2.4 I/O分配表 17
3.2.5 PLC接线图 18
3.2.6 智能元件 19
3.2.7 传感器 20
3.2.8 执行机构 20
3.3 混凝土搅拌站工作流程 20
3.4 系统初始化程序及主程序设计 20
3.5 断电保护程序设计 22
3.6 模拟量输入地址 23
3.7 位存储区(M)的使用概况 23
4 混凝土搅拌站控制系统设计 24
5 混凝土配合比计算 26
5.1 混凝土配制强度计算 26
5.2 水灰比计算 26
5.3 用水量计算 26
5.3.1 干硬性和塑性混凝土用水量的确定 27
5.3.2 流动性和大流动性混凝土的用水量宜按下列步骤计算 27
5.4 水泥用量计算 27
5.5 粗骨料和细骨料用量的计算 27
6 结论与展望 29
6.1 结论 29
6.2 不足与展望 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31
附 录 32