摘 要
关键词 太阳能电池 负载电阻 光照强度 输出功率
Influence of load change on output Power of Solar Energy
Abstract The solution of energy problem is urgent. The discovery of photovoltaic effect makes it possible to use solar energy to generate electricity. At present, the efficiency of solar photovoltaic conversion is not high,and the industrial production is only 24%. There are many factors that affect the conversion rate of solar power generation system, and the whole system takes solar panels as the core, the first focus is to improve the output power of solar panels.
Obviously, the change of light intensity directly affects the output power. The next is resistance, including internal resistance and load resistance. This paper tries to find out the possible maximum power point and the optimal output power under different light intensity by the variation of load resistance. The experimental results show that although the output characteristics of solar cells are different from those of pure resistive circuits and nonlinearity, no matter how the illuminance changes, It is always possible to find an optimal load resistance and its corresponding maximum output power point.
Keywords solar battery; load resistance ;intensity of illumination;output power ;

一.绪论 4
1.1引言 4
1.2太阳能光伏发电的发展历史 4
1.3太阳能电池的分类 5
1.4研究目的 6
二.实验原理 7
2.1:半导体与PN结 7
2.2:太阳能电池的工作原理 8
2.3:硅光伏电池的等效电路 8
2.4:是否存在合适的阻值使得输出功率最大的猜想 10
三.实验仪器,步骤,数据处理 11
3.1实验仪器 11
3.2实验步骤 11
3.3实验数据及处理 13
四.实验结果和讨论 16
4.1实验结果 16
4.2实验遇到的问题及解决 17
4.3:应用的讨论 19
五:致谢 21
参考文献 22