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摘   要
    OFDM technology is one of the efficient data transmission technology, the data communication is achieved through the use of parallel low speed transmission of orthogonal subcarriers. It is easy to make the channel equalization easier by incorporating a frequency selective channel into a number of stable fading channels. In this design, we need to study the composition, working principle and synchronization technology of OFDM system. Using FPGA to design a OFDM synchronization system and simulation, find out the excellent synchronization algorithm and signal anti interference solution.
In this design, the influence of inter symbol interference and carrier offset on OFDM synchronization system is analyzed, and the causes of the OFDM synchronization system are analyzed. At the same time, in the design of the previous OFDM synchronization system on the synchronization of the classical algorithm and OFDM synchronization system of the basic components of the module. Finally in the theory of OFDM synchronization technology based on given synchronization for OFDM system on QPSK modulation and demodulation and synchronization for OFDM system of transmitter receiver and reduce the error of the FPGA implementation and simulation scheme and the last on the input and output contrast verification.
Key words: OFDM;FPGA;Carrier synchronization


目  录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外发展现状    1
1.3内容安排    2
第2章 无线信道    3
2.1 无线信道的传播特点    3
2.2 无线信道的衰落类型    3
2.2.1 大尺度衰落特性    3
2.2.2 阴影衰落    4
2.2.3 小尺度衰落    4
第3章 OFDM同步系统的基础知识与经典算法    6
3.1 OFDM同步系统基础知识    6
3.1.1 OFDM设计基本思路    6
3.1.2 用IFFT/FFT实现OFDM    7
3.1.3 保护间隔和循环前缀    8
3.2 OFDM同步系统    9
3.3 OFDM同步技术    11
第4章 OFDM同步系统的FPGA设计与仿真    13
4.1 OFDM同步系统发射端的设计    13
4.1.1 QPSK调制    13
4.1.2 训练符号的插入    14
4.1.3 IFFT模块    14
4.2 干扰的降低与消除    16
4.2.1 插入循环前缀    16
4.2.2 数字变频    16
4.3 OFDM同步系统接收端的设计    18
4.3.1 数字下变频模块    19
4.3.2符号与载波同步模块    19
4.3.3 FFT模块的设计    22
4.3.4联合同步模块    23
4.3.5 QPSK解调与输入输出对比    25
第5章 总结    26
参考文献    27
致    谢    28