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Since the emergence of mobile communication industry, it has become one of the high-tech industries that change people's lives. As an important part of 3G technology, CDMA has made great contributions to economic development and social progress. Although the market for traditional CDMA communication systems has been shrinking due to the popularization of 4G communication systems in developed regions, CDMA communication systems still play an important role in a wide range of applications. The main task of this graduation project is to simulate the access channel in the CDMA communication system. First, learn the required software Matlab/Simulink and familiarize yourself with the usage of the modules. Second, we need to understand the CDMA communication principle and system structure under the IS-95 standard. It focuses on learning the convolutional codes, interleaving techniques, and code extension techniques that are needed in the channel coding process. Finally, the simulation of the overall channel is completed in the simulation software.
Key words:CDMA;Matlab/Simulink;convolution;Interweaving technology;Code expansion


第1章绪论    1
1.1 背景    1
1.2 研究的目的及意义    1
1.3 课题研究内容及预期目标    1
1.4 本章小结    1
第2章仿真原理介绍    2
2.1 CDMA移动通信技术    2
2.1.1 CDMA发展历程    2
2.1.2 CDMA原理    3
2.1.3 CDMA关键技术    3
2.1.4 CDMA通信技术的优点    5
2.2 CDMA信道结构    6
2.2.1 前向信道    7
2.2.2 反向信道    9
2.2.3 接入信道    10
2.3 本章小结    11
第3章仿真软件介绍    12
3.1 Matlab/Simulink特点及工作原理    12
3.1.1 Matlab/Simulink特点    12
3.1.2 Simulink仿真的工作原理    12
3.2 Simulink常用操作    13
第4章相关编码技术介绍    14
4.1 卷积编码    14
4.2 交织技术    16
4.3 沃尔什函数    17
4.4 码扩展    17
4.4.1直接序列扩谱    17
4.4.2跳频扩谱    18
第5章各模块说明及仿真结果    19
5.1 卷积编码    19
5.2 块交织    19
5.3 码扩展    20
5.4 整体仿真结果图    20
第6章结论    22
参考文献    23
致谢    24