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Design of Heart signal Monitoring and acquisition system
The field of medical and health care needs to obtain the physiological information of patients to complete the analysis of patients' health status, cardiac signal is an important part of patients' physiological information. At present, the acquisition of cardiac signal is mainly completed in hospitals. The acquisition instrument of cardiac signal is often expensive, large in volume, needs professional operation, and is not suitable for use in family, community service and other scenarios. In this paper, a portable heart signal monitoring and acquisition system is studied, which is an attempt to solve the above problems.
This paper is to complete the monitoring and acquisition of heart signal through STM32 microprocessor combined with each module. This design includes single-chip microcomputer part, sensor part, display part, buzzer part and power supply part. The STM32F103 microprocessor is used as the control core, the sensor module is used to obtain the heart signal, the buzzer is used to display the primary heart beat, and the beating frequency and electrocardiogram of the heart are displayed by OLED12864 display. The design is small, easy to carry, low cost, can be used in family health testing, community health testing and other scenes, and And the working stability is not easy to be affected.
Keywords: STM32; heart signal; heart rate; photoelectric sensor; OLED


摘要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1课题背景及其意义    1
1.2国内外发展现状    1
1.3论文结构安排    2
1.4本章小结    2
第二章 方案的论证与选择    3
2.1总体设计    3
2.2心脏信号获取方案的选择    3
2.3传感器的选择    4
2.4单片机的选择    6
2.5本章小结    6
第三章 硬件设计    7
3.1总体硬件设计框图    7
3.2 STM32处理模块    7
3.2.1 STM32接口介绍    7
3.2.2 STM32单片机最小系统    9
3.2.3 复位电路    9
3.2.4晶振电路    10
3.3.3 BOOT0与BOOT1    11
3.4电源供电模块    11
3.5传感器模块    12
3.6 OLED显示模块    13
3.7蜂鸣器模块    14
3.8本章小结    14
第四章 软件设计    15
4.1主函数流程    15
4.2 ADC转换程序流程图    16
4.3心率采集与处理函数    17
4.3 心电图波形处理函数    18
4.4 OLED显示函数编写流程    19
4.5显示切换函数    20
4.6本章小节    20
第五章 调试以及设计结果    21
5.1调试    21
5.1.1硬件调试    21
5.1.2软件调试    22
5.2设计结果    22
5.2.1心率显示    22
5.2.2心电图显示    23
5.3 本章小结    23
参考文献    24
附录    26
致谢    27