Since the nineteen's of last century, switch power has been used worldwide step by step. The core of switch power is DC-DC converter. The main factors that afect the performance of switch power is its topology, switch frequency,control mode and its key device units such as the switch tube, energy-storage inductor and pulse transformer.
This paper introduces the practical significance of the high frequency switching power supply designed by us, and introduces the corresponding railway standards of the People's Republic of China. The main circuit and the control circuit are introduced in this paper, the research method includes the theory analysis and the practical experiments.
The full-bridge converter is made up of four MOSFET. The system consists of the AC input stage, main inverter, output low-pass filter, auxiliary power supply etc. The theory of PWM is used in the system, and single of PWM is offered by controller UC3875.The feedback voltage and current achieved from output is used to control the change of the output. The Zero-Voltage Switching on and approximate Zero-Voltage Switching of the power devices are realized. High frequency switching rectifier module (48V/20A) has been designed with high efficiency (90%), high reliability and low EMI.
Key words:High frequency switching power, Phase-Shifting PWM ZVS,Zero Voltage Switching,DC-DC Conversion
目录 30000字
摘要 ..II
Abstract III
第1章绪 论 1
1.1高频开关电源概述 1
1.2开关电源应用和发展趋势 2
1.3本课题研究的目的和意义 3
1.4高频开关电源的构成及其基本原理 4
1.5硬开关技术和软开关技术的应用 6
第2章高频开关电源主电路的设计 8
2.1输入整流滤波电路设计 8
2.1.1电路的基本构成 8
2.1.2主要器件的选择 9
2.2DC-DC变换器设计 10
2.2.1高频开关整流器的分类 10
2.2.2拓扑结构选择 13
2.2.3调频开关电力电子器件 15
2.2.4主功率变换器电路与输出滤波电路及其工作原理 18
2.2.5主要器件的选择 21
第3章辅助电源设计 24
3.1TOPS witch器件 24
3.2辅助电源电路设计及原理 25
3.2.1单端反激式开关电源基本原理 25
3.2.2 TOPS witch单端反激式开关电源设计 27
3.3主要器件选择 29
第4章控制电路设计IC控制系统与驱动电路设计 36
4.1设计驱动电路要注意的问题 36
4.2总体控制方案 37
4.3UC3875芯片功能 38
4.4驱动电路设计 42
4.5保护电路 46
第5章结 论 48
参考文献 49
致 谢 50