摘 要
LED点阵屏是由若干个8x8 LED点阵模块组合封装而成,每个8x8 LED点阵模块内都是均匀排列的半导体发光二极管。模块适合室内与室外的各种环境,具有广泛的应用领域。本设计以MCS-51单片机为核心,控制8块8x8单色LED点阵组成16x32 LED点阵系统,通过上位机选择LED点阵屏显示方式和内容。文章介绍了设计中遇到的一些方案论证与选择,阐述了系统硬件设计和系统软件设计的具体实现过程。重点讲述了动态显示模块、时钟模块以及相关的驱动模块的设计思路与制作方法。系统调试时,上位机通过串口通信实现与单片机的连接,然后将字符通过串行口送给MCU,再由MCU独立完成显示和控制。万年历功能通过DS1302芯片在LED点阵屏上显示,且具有掉电保存功能。整个系统清晰明了、运行稳定,且具有一定的延伸性,理论上可以进行无限级联。
关键词:MCS-51 LED点阵显示 串行通信 DS1302
Small LED matrix screen Based on MCS-51
LED matrix screen is composed of several 8x8 LED matrix modules,each 8x8 LED matrix module has the semiconductor light-emitting diodes which are arranged uniformly.The system suitable for indoor or outdoor environment and have a wide application prospect in the future.The design is based on MCS - 51,16x32 LED matrix system is composed of eight LED lattices with single color which are controlled by MCS-51.Choosing the LED matrix screen display mode and content through the upper machine.It mainly introduce some scheme comparison and selection,and tell the system hardware design and software design of the concrete implementation process.The design is focused on the dynamic display module, clock module and drive module associated them .PC connect to the MCU through a serial port communication when we debug the system,and then put characters to MCU,LED matrix screen is controlled by MCU independently.Calendar function display in LED matrix screen through the DS1302 which has power save function.The whole system has clear and steady operation, and can infinite cascade in theory.
Keywords: STC-89C52; LED matrix display; Serial communication; DS1302
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 目的与意义 1
1.3 设计思想及主要内容 1
第二章 方案论证与选择 3
2.1 扫描方式的选择 3
2.2 数字时钟的方案选择 3
2.3 通信方式选择 3
2.4 总体设计方案 4
第三章 系统硬件设计 5
3.1 单片机系统电路设计 5
3.1.1 STC89C52RC简介 5
3.1.2 单片机最小系统设计 5
3.2 显示电路设计 6
3.3 驱动电路设计 7
3.3.1 行驱动电路 7
3.3.2 列驱动电路 8
3.4 通信系统硬件设计 10
3.5 万年历硬件电路设计 11
第四章 系统软件设计 13
4.1 开发环境 13
4.2 软件设计方案 13
4.3 主程序设计 13
4.4 显示程序的设计 14
4.4.1 显示驱动程序设计 14
4.4.2 动态显示程序设计 16
4.5 时钟程序的设计 17
4.6 通信程序的设计 20
第五章 系统调试 23
5.1 硬件调试 23
5.2 软件调试 24
5.3 综合调试 25
5.4 测试结果分析 26
结 语 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 29
程序代码 30