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摘  要
关键词:自助结账控制系统条形码  IC卡交互

Supermarket Self-checkout System Based on STM32
In modern society, people pay more and more attention to efficiency, but when wait until the checkout, they are facing waiting in line. According to surveys, 64% of unpleasant shopping experiences are caused by waiting in line for checkout, in order to improve customer satisfaction. At home and abroad, there have been some unlicensed supermarkets and convenience stores for self-checkout. The famous AMAZON GO convenience stores and Ali supermarkets ,they are obviously aware of the huge market prospect of self-checkout, so this time I designeda system for self-checkout supermarket
The design completes the operation of customer self-service scanning, self-service card payment checkout, and interface operations, which will enable many small and medium sized supermarkets to complete simple self-checkout operations without requiring large equipment. This design mainly includes bar code scanning, interface interaction, IC card reading, database updating and so on.
Through the self-service scanning of product barcodes, RC522 reads card operations, obtains user personal information, and finally completes checkout operations.
Key Words:Self -Checkout; Control System; Barcode ;IC Card;interaction


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章绪论    1
1.1 课题研究的背景    1
1.2 自助结账系统的现状    1
1.3 自助结账的未来发展    1
1.4 自助结账系统的系统设计    1
1.5 本文的内容安排    2
第二章系统方案分析和与选择    3
2.1 系统方案设计    3
2.1.1 控制模块    3
2.1.2 显示交互模块    3
2.1.3 扫码模块    3
2.1.4 读卡验证模块    3
2.1.5 无线通信模块    4
2.1.6 数据库模块    4
2.2 系统方案    4
第三章硬件电路设计    6
3.1 硬件总体设计方案    6
3.2 控制系统电路设计    7
3.3 扫码枪硬件模块    9
3.4 读卡器硬件模块    9
3.5 无线通信硬件模块    11
3.6显示交互模块    12
第四章系统软件设计    13
4.1 软件开发环境    13
4.2 总程序描述和流程图    13
4.3 界面交互子程序设计    15
4.4 扫码枪子程序设计    16
4.5 刷卡子程序设计    18
4.6 无线通信子程序设计    22
4.7 数据库子程序设计    24
第五章系统的调试分析    27
5.1 模块调试    27
5.1.1 无线通信模块调试    27
5.1.2 扫码枪模块调试    28
5.1.3 刷卡模块调试    29
5.1.4 数据库模块调试    30
5.2 系统整体调试    31
第六章总结与展望    32
6.1 总结    32
6.2 展望    32
参考文献    33
附录一原理图    35
附录二硬件实物图    36
附录三主程序代码    37
致谢    43