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The Music Playing device based on MCU
This graduation project is about design a microcontroller based music playing through the two buttons to control the switch of music box of playing music. At the same time in order to visual effect, eight water lights are turning light in circulation in the process of playing music.The music is mainly through the speakers to the sound. LCD display also shows the name of songs. It pluses a playback the sound function, then it can record and play the sound outsider .Through this graduation design, it not only can consolidate their previously learned knowledge, also it can learn a lot of details,to enrich my knowledge reserve and benefit a lot from it.
    This topic is mainly divided into eight parts: the power supply circuit module, reset module, clock module, the LED module, LCD display module, a speaker module, keys module and playback the sound module. Each part has its specific function, integrated with the parts that can be completed the outcome. Single chip microcomputer minimum system produces stable self-excitation oscillator. Eight lights  turn light in circulation. LCD display shows the name of the song.The trumpet playing music.
Key Words: Single chip microcomputer; The horn; Liquid crystal display; Running water light


摘要    II
Abstract    III
第一章 引言    1
1.1音乐播放的不同设计方法    1
1.1.1 基于数字技术的设计    1
1.1.2 基于模拟技术的设计    1
1.1.3 采用EDA技术的设计    1
1.1.4 基于微机原理的简易音乐盒的设计    1
1.1.5 采用单片机的设计    2
1.2 基于单片机的乐曲演奏器    2
第二章 乐曲演奏器设计原理    3
2.1乐曲演奏器音调产生原理    3
2.2 播放乐曲名称显示电路    5
2.3 放大电路    6
2.4 录音原理    6
2.4.1 ISD1820芯片的介绍    6
2.4.2 外界声音的采集    8
2.5 曲谱存贮格式    9
第三章 电路的硬件设计    11
3.1乐曲演奏器的电源模块    11
3.2 乐曲演奏器的复位模块    11
3.3 乐曲演奏器的时钟模块    12
3.4 乐曲演奏器的流水灯模块    12
3.5 乐曲演奏器的LCD液晶显示模块    13
3.6 乐曲演奏器的喇叭模块    14
3.7 乐曲演奏器的按键模块    14
3.8 乐曲演奏器的录放音模块    14
3.9 乐曲演奏器的整体电路    15
3.10乐曲演奏器的PCB图    16
3.11 乐曲演奏器的硬件实物图    17
第四章 乐曲演奏器的软件设计    18
4.1 乐曲演奏器的总体设计    18
4.2 乐曲演奏的音乐的播放    19
4.3 乐曲演奏器的录放音    20
第五章 乐曲演奏器硬件电路的测试    21
5.1 演奏乐曲电路上电测试    21
5.2 演奏乐曲复位键的调试    21
5.3 演奏歌曲切换电路的测试    21
5.4 歌曲名显示的测试    22
5.5 乐曲演奏器录音测试    23
5.6 乐曲演奏器播放所录制的声音的测试    23
第六章 结论    24
参考文献    25
致谢    26
附录    27