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Design of Solar Wireless Acoustooptical LED
Abstract:With the increasingly serious problems of energy and the environment,solar energy as an ideal clean energy, LED as a new source of energy-saving and environmental protection has been widely valued and applied.In recent years, the rapid increase in intelligence has also led to an increase in the use of intelligent control technology. This design uses solar panels to convert solar energy into electrical energy. After the TP4056 charging module is used to charge the lithium battery, the entire design is powered, and the combination of solar energy and LED clean energy is used. In the energy saving and environmental protection at the same time adding intelligent control technology,with STC89C52 MCU as the main control chip, light control through the photosensitive resistor, LD3320 module for voice recognition and WiFi module ESP8266 module control,changingthe traditional control method of singleness, more convenient, Humanize.The paper firstly describes the design research background and the development status of related technologies at home and abroad. Then it briefly introduces the design of the overall design and the design of the circuit modules for solar charging, lighting detection, WiFi control and voice recognition control. Then it explains the software design ideas and All parts of the circuit debugging process. Finally, summarize the overall design and put forward the future.


1 绪论    1
1.1研究的背景    1
1.2国内外相关技术的发展现状    1
1.2.1太阳能及LED技术国内外发展现状    1
1.2.2语音识别技术发展现状    2
1.2.3 WiFi技术发展现状    3
1.3论文内容简介    3
1.4本章小结    4
2 方案的设计与论证    4
2.1设计功能分析及框图    4
2.2控制方案的选择    4
2.2.1单片机芯片的选择    4
2.2.2 A/D采样芯片的选择    5
2.2.3无线遥控模块的选择    5
2.2.4语音控制模块的选择    5
2.3最终方案的确定    6
2.4本章小结    6
3 硬件的设计    6
3.1单片机主控模块设计    6
3.1.1 STC89C52的功能及特点介绍    6
3.1.2各模块对单片机端口和引脚的使用    7
3.1.3单片机最小系统说明    7
3.2太阳能充电电路设计    7
3.2.1TP4056锂电池充电电路    8
3.2.2DC-DC升压电路    8
3.3光照检测电路设计    9
3.3.1光敏检测电路    9
3.3.2PCF8591 A/D采样电路    9
3.4 LED灯照明电路设计    9
3.5 WiFi控制电路设计    10
3.6语音控制电路设计    10
3.7本章小结    11
4 软件的设计    11
4.1软件开发平台介绍    11
4.2软件设计思路    11
4.2.1光照检测控制软件思路    12
4.2.2 WiFi控制软件思路    13
4.2.3语音控制软件思路    13
4.3本章小结    14
5 焊接与调试    14
5.1电路焊接    14
5.2系统调试    14
5.2.1太阳能充电调试    14
5.2.2光照控制调试    15
5.2.3 WiFi控制调试    16
5.2.4语音控制调试    17
5.3设计中遇到的问题及探讨    17
5.4本章小结    18
6 总结与展望    18
6.1论文总结    18
6.2对设计的思考与展望    18
参考文献    18
致谢    20
附录1 硬件原理图    21
附录2 实物照片    22