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 摘 要

关键词: GPS;单片机;GPS接收模块;1602液晶屏

Single-chip Microcomputer Control of GPS Positioning System Design
GPS Global Positioning System is widely used in real life, is an important part in the development of today's information age. Because of its good performance, high accuracy, wide application, making it by far the best navigation and positioning system.
This thesis describes an approach based on 51 series , GPS receiver module, the 1602 LCD modules and other devices GPS real-time positioning function implementation.From hardware and software implementation gave a detailed exposition of the design, and combined with the hardware features of the MCS-51 series microcontroller GPS receiver module to achieve serial communication, the system design is based on the basic principle of the GPS module data output . It is a compact, easy to carry, can be used independently of the weather real-time positioning equipment .
Keywords:GPS, microcontroller,GPS receiver module,1602LCD

摘 要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 课题背景及意义    1
1.2 论文主要内容    2
1.3  课题的主要工作    2
第二章  GPS定位信息显示系统方案设计    3
2.1 GPS全球定位系统简介    3
2.2 GPS信号接收方案选择    4
2.3 GPS接收模块的研究    4
2.4 总体方案的设计    5
第三章 基于单片机的GPS硬件电路设计    7
3.1 基于单片机的GPS硬件电路总体结构    7
3.2 基于单片机的GPS定位信息显示系统设计硬件电路简介    7
3.2.1 STC89C52简介    7
3.2.2 SiRF Star III GPS信号接收模块    11
3.2.3 1602液晶显示模块介绍    13
3.3 基于单片机的GPS硬件连接介绍    15
第四章 基于单片机的GPS软件设计    17
4.1 NMEA-0183数据格式    17
4.1.1 输入语句    17
4.1.2 输出语句    18
4.2 基于单片机的GPS定位系统软件开发环境―Keil uVision4    18
4.2.1 8051开发工具    18
4.2.2 Keil C编译步骤    19
4.3 基于单片机的GPS软件设计思路    22
4.4 模块软件设计    24
4.4.1 液晶模块初始化模块    24
4.4.2 GPS数据接收模块    24
第五章 系统调试与实验结果    27
5.1 硬件调试    27
5.2 软件调试    27
5.3 实验结果    28
5.4 实验结果分析    28
第六章 总结与展望    29
6.1总结    29
6.2展望    29
参考文献    31
致谢    33