摘 要
关键词: 步进电机,单片机 ,调速系统
The stepper motor control of SCM
Stepper motor is the electric pulse into angular displacement or displacement of the open-loop control devices. In the case of non-overloading, motor speed, and stop only depends on the location of the signal pulse frequency and pulses, without the impact of changes in load, that is to add an electrical pulse, the electrical, passed a step angle. The existence of this linear relationship, coupled with the cyclical stepper motor only accumulated error without error and so on. Makes the speed, location and other areas controlled by stepper motor control to change the very simple. Stepping Motor governor general is to change the input of the stepper motor pulse frequency to achieve the stepper motor speed, because every step motor to a pulse on a fixed rotation angle, so you can control the stepper motor A pulse to a pulse of the interval to change the frequency pulse, the length of delay to control specific step to change the angle of the motor speed, thus realizing the stepper motor speed. In this design used in the AT89C51-Microcontroller internal timer to change the frequency of CP to achieve the speed of the stepper motor control, and motor speed and positive and function.
KEY WORDS: stepper motor, SCM, speed control system

目 录
第1章 前言 1
第2章 单片机结构及原理 2
2.1单片机的概述 2
2.2 MCS-51单片机的硬件结构 3
2.3 MCS-51指令系统简介 7
2.4 MCS-51的应用系统 10
第3章 步进电动机的单片机控制 13
3.1步进电动机控制系统 13
3.2 时序脉冲的形成 14
3.3 步进电动机控制程序的设计 17
3.4 步进电动机的变速控制 25
第4章 结 论 28
4.1结论 28
4.2展望 28
谢 辞 29
参考文献 30
外文资料翻译 31
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