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With the industry's rapid development of information technology, people information application requirements for video communications, electronic commerce, information transmission industry increased significantly, the network continues to promote the development of high-speed broadband. Today, the rapid development of backbone network technology has become more sophisticated, the backbone has been developed to provide a stable broadband service skills. So located network service access network between the client side and attention. The new fiber-optic broadband access available broadband technology has great potential for development, support for long-distance transmission, strong anti-interference advantages, the future optical access network technology has the potential for long-term development and will continue to spread to all sectors of the access network in system.
This paper describes the background and current situation of the development of access network technology, and describes the access network technology development of major significance. Several analyzes the main access technology digital subscriber loop technology, Ethernet-based copper technology, wireless access technology, optical fiber access technology features. Focus on the Ethernet-based Passive Optical Network (EPON) access network technology, learning the basic working principle, key technology, and analyzes the advantages EPON technology. Finally, for EPON Technology and Industrial Ship access network the corresponding design.
Key words: Access network ;fiber-optic broadband network ;EPON ;research


第一章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究现状    1
1.3 主流接入网技术分析    1
1.5本文研究内容及安排    3
第二章 EPON技术研究    4
2.1 EPON技术原理    4
2.1.1 EPON基本网络结构    4
2.1.2 EPON传输原理    4
2.1.3 EPON协议栈结构    6
2.2 EPON关键技术    6
2.2.1数据链路层关键技术    6
2.2.2 物理层关键技术    8
2.3 EPON技术优势    8
第三章 EPON技术应用研究    10
3.1 EPON网络组网研究    10
3.1.1 FTTH(光纤到户)    10
3.1.2 FTTB/C    10
3.2 EPON接入带宽分析    12
3.3 EPON 设备规划    13
3.3.1 OLT设备规划    13
3.3.2 ONU设备规划    14
3.3.3 ODN分光器规划    15
第四章 EPON技术应用于工业船舶接入网    17
4.1 EPON技术应用于船舶方案    17
4.2船舶应用EPON技术的具体规划    18
4.2.1 船舶具体组网方式    18
4.2.2 系统保护机制    19
4.3设备部署    19
4.3.1 OLT部署    19
4.3.2 ONU设备部署    20
4.3.3带宽升级    21
第五章 总结与体会    23
参考文献    24
致谢    25