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Genetic Algorithm and its Application in License Plate Location
Abstract:Genetic algorithm is a random search algorithm which uses natural selection and natural genetic mechanism for reference. It can find the characteristics of the license plate image, and then genetic, selection, crossover, mutation operation, to determine the location of the license plate in the picture. This paper will detail how to find the characteristics of the license plate image, using genetic algorithm to carry out the location of the license plate.And in the MATLAB carried out the experimental verification, can carry on the positioning of the license plate.
Keywords: license plate location;geneticalgorithm;imageprocessing;MATLAB


1绪论    3
1.1课题的研究背景和意义    3
1.2遗传算法的历史与研究进展    3
1.2.1遗传算法的历史    3
1.2.2遗传算法的研究现状    4
1.3车牌定位概述    4
1.4论文结构    4
1.5算法实现的软件平台    5
2遗传算法在车牌定位中的使用    6
2.1遗传算法    6
2.1.1遗传算法基本原理与流程    6
2.1.2遗传算法的优缺点    7
2.1.3遗传算法的编码    8
2.1.4初始种群的确定    8
2.1.5适应度函数    8
2.1.6遗传算子    9
2.2定位算法的介绍    12
2.2.1定位前的预处理    12
2.2.2车牌特征的寻找    12
3算法的实现及代码    14
3.1找出可能存在车牌图像的长矩形图片    15
3.2对长矩形图片进行垂直投影    19
3.3适应度函数    19
3.4通过遗传算法找出车牌位置    20
4算法性能测试分析与对比    22
4.1测试效果    22
4.2测试结果分析    23
5总结与展望    24
5.1总结    24
5.2展望    24
参考文献:    25
致谢    26