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摘 要
Image segmentation is a fundamental topic in the field of computer vision.It has been used in medical, industrial, military and other fields since the 1970s. The task of computer vision is to understand the image, identify the target in the image, and image segmentation is a part of the bottom layer. The goal of image segmentation is to divide the image into multiple regions with the same features to make the image easier to understand. Image segmentation is a prerequisite step for image recognition and feature extraction.
The edge is the most basic feature of the image. It is the irregular structure and unstable phenomenon in the real image, that is, the sudden change of the signal, carrying a lot of information in the image, such as the boundary and shape of the object, the information of the shadow texture has edge generation. . We can get the outline of different parts of the image by detecting the edges.
The method of image segmentation has edge-based segmentation method. The edge-based segmentation method usually refers to the mutation based on the detected gray value. The classical edge detection operators are: Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts, Laplace, etc. Convolution operation is performed to obtain the gradient maximum value (Sobel equal-gradient operator) or the zero-order derivative of the second-order derivative (Laplace operator) according to the first-order differential or second-order differential, and finally select the threshold to obtain the boundary. And edge detection methods based on specific theory, including wavelet transform and fuzzy clustering. Wavelet transform can perform multi-resolution analysis on signals, which is useful for non-stationary signals. In this paper, the above algorithms are studied. Through the experiments of these algorithms, the application, advantages and disadvantages of these algorithms are summarized.
KEY WORDS:Image segmentation; edge detection; edge detection operator; wavelet transform


目  录
目  录    III
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景和意义    1
1.1.1 数字图像处理    1
1.1.2 图像分割    1
1.2 研究发展现状    2
1.3 本文的研究目标和内容    2
1.4 论文结构    3
第2章 基于边缘检测的图像分割算法    4
2.1 经典算子    4
2.1.1 一阶算子    4  Roberts算子    5  Sobel算子    6
2.1.1 二阶算子    6
2.2 最优算子    7
2.2.1 Marr和Hildreth边缘检测器    7
2.2.2 Canny检测器    9
第3章 模糊聚类分割法    11
3.1 模糊理论    11
3.2 聚类分析    11
3.3 模糊C均值聚类算法(FCM)    11
3.3.1 模糊C均值聚类算法    11
3.3.2 模糊C均值聚类图像分割算法    12
第4章 基于小波变换多分辨率分析的分割算法    14
4.1小波变换的提出背景    14
4.2 小波变换    14
4.2.1 连续小波变换    15
4.2.2 离散小波变换    15
4.3 多分辨率分析和 Mallat 算法    16
4.3.1 多分辨率分析    16
4.3.2 Mallat算法    17
4.3.3 小波变换模极大值边缘检测法    18
第5章 基于边缘检测算法与基于小波变换的多尺度检测算法的效果比较    20
5.1 边缘检测的评价    20
.5.1.1图像重建方法    20
.5.1.1重建图像与原图的相似度    21
5.2  实验对比    21
第6章  结束语    24
6.1 论文工作总结    24
6.2 问题和展望    24
致  谢    25
参考文献    26