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D*算法,即动态A*算法(D-Star,Dynamic A Star),是一种启发式的路径规划算法,由卡内基梅隆机器人中心的Stentz于1994年和1995年在两篇发表的文章中提出[1]。本文研究基于D*算法的动态环境路径规划算法。   

    Mobile robot autonomous navigation is the key technology of robot intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI). The core is accurate positioning and real-time path planning, which is to plan the optimal path from the initial state to the target state in a changing environment according to certain optimal criteria, and to avoid obstacles. Autonomous navigation of mobile robots is widely used, ranging from the navigation of Golden Map, the movement of characters in the game, and UAVs,to driverless cars, intelligent robots for Mars exploration , etc.
    D* algorithm is dynamic A* algorithm (D-Star, Dynamic A Star), proposed by Stentz of Carnegie Mellon Robot Center in 1994 and 1995 in two articles. This paper studies the dynamic environment path planning algorithm based on D* algorithm.
    This paper compares the research status of mobile robot path planning at home and abroad, and then studies the basic principles and path search process of A* algorithm and D* algorithm.And using Python language as the simulation language, the grid model is used to build the environment model, and the A* algorithm and D* algorithm are simulated respectively.Then, according to the simulation results, the differences between D* algorithm and A* algorithm are compared, and the characteristics of dynamic environmental path planning based on D* algorithm are analyzed.Finally, the development of mobile robot path planning is summarized and forecasted.
Key words:Mobile robot  D* algorithm  Autonomous navigation  Path planning


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章绪论    1
1.1 相关背景    1
1.2 国外研究现状    2
1.3 国内研究现状    4
第二章路径规划D*算法    5
2.1 A*算法    6
2.1.1 A*算法简介    6
2.1.2 A*算法代价函数    6
2.1.3 A*算法基本原理    7
2.2 D*算法    7
2.2.1 D*算法简介    7
2.2.2 节点状态    7
2.2.3 D*算法基本原理    8
2.3 A*算法和D*算法的比较    9
2.3.1 相同点    9
2.3.2 不同点    9
第三章路径规划仿真    9
3.1 仿真语言Python    9
3.2 环境建模方法    10
3.3 仿真结果    11
3.3.1 A*算法仿真结果    11
3.3.2 D*算法仿真结果    15
3.4 仿真结果分析    19
第四章总结和展望    20
参考文献    22
致谢    24