Phosphate ore refers to the general term of phosphate minerals which can be used economically. It is an important chemical mineral raw material.It can be used to make phosphate fertilizer, also can be used to make yellow phosphorus, phosphoric acid, phosphates and other phosphates, which can be used in medicine, food, matches, dyes, sugar making, ceramics, national defense and other industrial sectors.
Nowadays, China's mineral deposits tend to be "lean and miscellaneous", so the construction and development of mineral concentrator is increasingly urgent, and it is an indispensable task to establish modern concentrator technology.
This design is the design of phosphate ore processing line of 1000 tons/day, the purpose is to serve the current situation of low phosphate ore grade in China, the grade of raw ore is 17.76%, the requirement is to achieve 36% concentrate grade and 80% concentrate recovery, the flotation process is one coarse, one fine, one sweep, the flotation particle size is required to be more than 95% of -200 content.
This design USES three sections of a closed-circuit ore crushing, two sections of closed-circuit grinding, a coarse, a fine, a sweep flotation process;Three main tasks were carried out, including flow calculation, equipment selection and drawing.
Key words: phosphate rock design;Process calculation;Equipment selection;Design drawings

摘要 3
Abstract 4
第一章绪论 1
1.1设计目的 1
1.2设计意义 1
1.3设计要求 1
1.4设计任务 2
1.4.1设计的主要任务 2
1.4.2设计的原始数据 2
1.5选矿厂设计趋势 4
第二章选矿厂工作制度的确定 5
2.1各车间工作制度 5
2.2各车间小时生产能力的确定 5
2.2.1破碎车间 5
2.2.2磨矿浮选车间 5
第三章选矿工艺流程的选择与计算 6
3.1破碎筛分流程的选择计算 6
3.1.1计算总破碎比及分配各段破碎比 6
3.1.2计算各段破碎产物的最大粒度 6
3.1.3选取破碎机排矿口宽度 6
3.1.4破碎筛分流程的数质量计算 6
3.1.5选择筛子 7
3.2磨矿浮选流程的选择与计算 7
3.2.1磨矿分级计算 7
3.2.2浮选流程计算 8
3.2.3数质量流程计算 10
3.2.4矿浆流程计算 12
第四章工艺设备的选择与计算 18
4.1破碎筛分设备的选择与计算 18
4.1.1粗碎设备的选择与计算 18
4.1.2中碎设备的选择与计算 19
4.1.3细碎设备的选择与计算 21
4.2筛分设备的选择 23
4.3磨浮车间设备的选择与计算 23
4.3.1磨矿设备的选择与计算 23
4.3.2分级设备的选择与计算 26
4.3.3搅拌槽的选择与计算 27
4.3.4浮选机的选择与计算 27
4.4脱水设备的选择与计算 28
4.4.1浓缩机的选择与计算 28
4.4.2过滤机的选择与计算 29
第五章辅助设备的选择与计算 30
5.1原矿仓的选择与计算 30
5.2给矿机的选择与计算 30
5.3胶带运输机的选择与计算 31
第六章主要设备明细表 32
第七章药剂选择 33
第八章选矿厂布置 34
8.1厂址选择一般原则 34
8.2总平面布置 34
8.2.1总平面布置的重要性 34
8.2.2总平面布置要求 35
8.2.3总平面布置必需遵循的标准 35
8.3尾矿库 35
第九章环境保护 38
第十章结论 39
参考文献 40
致谢 41