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关键词: 服务补救顾客满意顾客忠诚感知公正

The E-commerce environment has multiplied the consumer groups and greatly improved the profits of the enterprises, but also multiplied the possibility of after-sale service failures because of their own rich ways and fast spreading. In order to obtain the trust of the consumer to the enterprise, improve the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, win the good reputation, keep the consumer in the fierce market, the service recovery have become a major task that enterprises can not ignore. Based on the domestic and foreign scholars' research on service recovery under the e-commerce environment, this paper expounds the importance of implementing service recovery under the e-commerce environment. After that, it analyzes the current situation and causes of the failure of service recovery in small and medium-sized enterprises in China, and finally puts forward some suggestions on the current strategy of after service recovery for small and medium-sized enterprises in China, in order to provide some theoretical and practical guidance for the enterprise to carry out the recovery work ofE-commerce after-sale service.
Key Words:Service recovery; Customer satisfaction; Customer loyalty; Perceived justice

摘要    I
Abstract    II
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.1.1 研究背景    1
1.1.2 研究目的及意义    2
1.2 研究内容与方法    2
2 相关理论基础    3
2.1 服务补救    3
2.1.1 服务补救的定义    3
2.1.2服务补救的维度和测量    3
2.2 顾客满意和顾客忠诚    4
2.2.1 顾客满意的定义    4
2.2.2 顾客忠诚的定义    5
2.2.3 顾客满意与客户忠诚之间的关系    5
2.3 心理契约和感知公平    5
2.3.1 心理契约    5
2.3.2 感知公平    6
3 中国电子商务企业售后服务补救现状及问题分析    7
3.1 我国电子商务服务失误现状    7
3.2 电子商务售后服务补救的重要性    8
3.2.1 成功的服务补救能改善顾客忠诚度    8
3.2.2 服务补救作用于公平感提高顾客信任——网络游戏为例    10
3.3 电子商务企业服务补救存在的问题    11
4 电子商务企业服务补救策略    12
4.1 采取网络监控,对网络投诉进行分类处理    12
4.2 完善电子商务售后服务补救管理体系    12
4.3 提升消费者公平感受    13
4.4 增强互动,让消费者参与服务补救    13
4.4.1 消费者参与服务补救管理体系    13
4.4.2 充分利用品牌拥护者,加强口碑    13
5 结论与展望    15
5.1 主要结论    15
5.2 研究展望    15
参考文献    16
致谢    18