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 due to the influence of political factors such as rural regeneration strategy and targeted poverty alleviation, the local consumer market is attracting the attention of business and investors. Rural e-commerce is playing an increasingly important role in releasing rural consumption levels and opening up new markets. And produce electricity also exist many problems in the supply chain, how to reduce resource consumption, to achieve the green industry, sustainable development has become the current electricity business must face the problem of agricultural products. This article mainly under the green supply chain perspective, to explore the present situation and problems of agricultural electricity at home and abroad, analyze the theory of green supply chain, at the same time according to the results of linyi city food run home real case analysis, the green development of China agricultural electricity provide some targeted Suggestions.
Key words: green supply chain, circulation mode, link, supervision, brand,logistics

第1章 绪论    1
1.1选题背景    1
1.2研究的主要内容    1
1.2.1研究的目标和内容    1
1.2.2研究方法和研究思路    1
1.3国内外研究动态    2
1.3.1国内现状    2
1.3.2国外现状    3
第2章 我国农产品电商存在的问题    4
2.1农产品标准化程度不高    4
2.2物流仓储不完善    4
2.3农产品电商经营模式差    4
2.4缺少相应的监管    5
第3章 农产品流通模式分析    6
3.1农产品绿色供应链的概念    6
3.2农产品绿色供应链当前存在的问题    6
3.2.1品质特征    6
3.2.2管理问题    6
3.2.3功能问题    7
3.3农产品绿色供应链运作具体环节    7
3.3.1绿色计划    7
3.3.2绿色采购    8
3.3.3绿色生产    8
3.3.4绿色营销    8
3.3.5绿色物流    8
3.4实施农产品绿色供应链的优势    9
3.4.1提高农产品电商的效率    9
3.4.2符合时代需求    9
3.4.3市场体系完善    9
3.4.4有利于长期发展    9
第4章 农业供应链案例研究    10
4.1临沂菜润家现状    10
4.1.1临沂菜润家的基本情况    10
4.1.2临沂菜润家运作模式    10
4.2临沂菜润家产业链各环节分析    10
4.2.1临沂菜润家绿色供应链绿色规划环节    10
4.2.2临沂菜润家绿色供应链绿色采购环节    11
4.2.3临沂菜润家绿色供应链绿色生产环节    11
4.2.4临沂菜润家绿色供应链的绿色物流环节    11
4.2.5临沂菜润家绿色供应链绿色营销环节    12
4.3临沂菜润家供应链的优势和不足分析    12
4.3.1临沂菜润家供应链的优势    12
4.3.2临沂菜润家供应链的不足    13
第5章 农业电商模式的优化    14
5.1加强农产品电商监管    14
5.2积极引导农产品电子商务品牌的建立    14
5.3创新农产品电商模式    14
5.4完善农产品物流体系    15
5.4.1构建农产品物流可追溯机制    15
5.4.2各物流参与方高度合作    15
5.4.3提升物流基础建设设施    16
5.4.4建设农产品线下服务站    16
5.5健全产品流通信息体系    16
第6章 总结与展望    17
6.1总结    17
6.2展望    17
参考文献    18
致谢    19