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关键词:小学语文 课堂教学 多种教学方式 综合利用
Primary School Language Classroom Teaching, a Variety of Teaching Methods of Comprehensive Utilization Strategy

The language teaching has always been a very important part of Chinese teaching, especially in the background of the new curriculum reform and quality education under the influence of Chinese teaching work is successful or not for students' future development will play a big. Especially for primary school students, they are in a critical period of learning and cultural knowledge, can take effective way to provide them to learn Chinese subject interest for their future acquisition of knowledge will play a decisive role. But from the actual situation, although primary school language teachers in learning methods have also done a lot of effort, but the effect is not very obvious. In addition, the study of Chinese subject is relatively boring, so it brings great difficulties to classroom teaching. It is this point as a starting point for comprehensive utilization strategy of primary school Chinese language classroom teaching a variety of teaching methods are studied in detail, also hope that through this study to primary school Chinese teachers' daily teaching work will be helpful to enhance students' interest in learning, thereby effectively.

Key words: Primary school Chinese; classroom teaching; multiple teaching methods; comprehensive utilization
目  录
摘要    6
关键词:    6
一、绪论    8
(一)研究背景    8
(二)研究意义    8
(三)主要研究内容    8
二、小学语文课堂教学工作的基本理念    9
(一)全面提高学生语文素养    9
(二)正确把握语文教学的特点    9
(三)倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式    10
(四)努力建设开放而有活力的语文课程    10
三、几种常见的教学方式的应用及其存在的问题    10
(一)比较常见的几种教学方法及实际运用方法    10
(二)小学语文教学工作中存在的问题    13
四、小学语文课堂教学中多种教学方式的综合利用策略    14
(一)有效发挥学生自身主体作用    14
(二)丰富教学方式创建灵活课堂    14
(三)吸引学生激发学习积极性    15
总结    15
参考文献    15
致谢    16