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    关键词: 家园合作;家庭;幼儿园;良好行为习惯

 Home cooperation to cultivate children's good behavior habits
Children's behavior habits to develop an important period is the early childhood, in this period to cultivate children's good behavior is very critical. The activity of knowledge is not the most important, the most important thing is to develop good habits. The formation of good habits is continuous, not only in the kindergarten, the family also plays an important role. Through the efforts of the kindergarten, the family at the same time with the guidance of the park side, give children the right way of training. Through the cooperation of their homes, in order to ensure the child's good behavior habits without gaps, to achieve the integration of home education".
Key words:Home cooperation; family; kindergarten;good behavior habit
摘要:    2
Abstract:    2
引言    1
1. 概念界定    1
1.1家园合作    1
1.2良好行为习惯    2
2. 幼儿行为习惯现状分析    2
2.1幼儿应该养成得良好品德    2
2.2幼儿在活动中的习惯表现    2
2.3幼儿生活中的习惯表现    3
3.孩子行为习惯的养成原因    3
3.1 幼儿良好习惯形成原因相关调查    3
3.2家庭影响孩子习惯养成得原因    4
3.3 幼儿园影响孩子习惯养成得原因    4
4.如何促使孩子养成良好的习惯    5
4.1家园合作培养幼儿良好行为习惯    5
4.1.1建立家园纽带及家园联系表    5
4.1.2 实行开放办学、开展亲子活动    6
4.1.3成立家长中心,召开家长会    6
4.2教师应该给予幼儿适当的期望    7
4.3教师可以在游戏中规范幼儿行为    7
4.4成人鼓励幼儿并肯定幼儿的表现    7
4.5教师应当重视细节的把握    8
4.6教师和家长为幼儿榜样    8
结语    8
参考文献    10
附录    12