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Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology, the management mode and environment of enterprises have changed accordingly. The development of an industry needs to absorb the development of network technology application, and the accounting information system is also the same. As for the accounting information system, with the development of enterprise accounting information system, the influence of IT technology and cloud computing technology is becoming more and more mature. Computer technology is changing people's lives and improving their living standard and quality. Not only that, it has its own fast, wide coverage, the operation and use of strong characteristics also make the computer network gradually develop into an indispensable force to promote the emergency development. At present, with the increasing number of accounting information, its timeliness, function, capacity and function have been greatly changed, and the accounting information system of enterprises is also developing to the network. With the rapid development of accounting information, Chinese enterprises are paying more and more attention to the construction of accounting informatization. Based on the related information of Ruhe energy company, this paper analyses the problems of information isolated island, lack of data analysis operation and low credential efficiency in the development of accounting information system, which makes the development of accounting information and the whole process of the construction of information system slow, even to a great extent. About the development of the enterprise.
KeyWords:Accounting information system  Internet  Informatization
1绪论    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.1.1 研究背景    1
1.2.1 研究意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1 国外研究现状    2
1.2.2 国内研究现状    3
1.3 研究内容及方法    4
1.3.1 研究内容    4
1.3.2 研究方法    5
2 会计信息系统概念及相关理论    6
2.1 概念    6
2.2 相关理论    6
2.2.1 信息不对称理论    6
2.2.2 核心能力理论    7
3 瑞禾公司会计信息系统现状及存在问题    8
3.1 瑞禾公司的概况描述    8
3.2 瑞禾公司会计信息系统存在的问题    8
3.2.1 信息孤岛化    8
3.2.2 缺乏数据分析功能    9
3.2.3 凭证汇总效率低    9
3.2.4 内部控制冲突    10
4 瑞禾公司会计信息系统问题的原因分析    11
4.1 系统功能配置不全面    11
4.2 理念尚未更新    11
4.3 财务软件没有及时更新    11
4.4 制度设计不合理    12
5 瑞禾公司会计信息系统问题实施的措施    13
5.1 完善外部环境    13
5.1.1 建立健全法律体系    13
5.1.2 调整内部控制制度    13
5.2 提升企业的内部软实力与硬实力    14
5.2.1 转变领导者理念    14
5.2.2 强化网络安全管理    14
5.3 结合企业业务特点    15
结 语    16
谢辞    17
参考文献    18