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Democratization of local government decision making

Abstract: For China, since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the ideas of the old society have been abandoned and the era of democratization has come. The Chinese government is deeply aware of the importance of democratization. Therefore, all local governments are advocating democratization, especially in the decision-making of some local governments, paying more attention to the people. Only by making local government decision-making full of democratic elements can local government decision-making be more valuable and meaningful, and make it more in line with the aspirations of the broad masses of the people. I believe that this study and analysis will promote the smooth development of local government and make it more decision-making to meet the actual needs of the local people.
Key words: local government; decision making; democratization; new China

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、绪论    3
(一)研究背景和意义    3
(二)研究现状    4
(三)研究内容    4
二、理论概述    4
(一)地方政府    4
(二)决策    4
(三)民主化建设    5
三、地方政府决策民主化建设存在的问题    5
(一)地方政府决策民主化建设意识淡薄    5
(二)地方政府决策民主化建设手段单一    5
(三)地方政府决策民主化建设步伐缓慢    6
(四)地方政府决策民主化建设创新度不高    6
(五)地方政府决策民主化建设人才缺失    6
四、地方政府决策民主化建设存在问题的原因    6
(一)地方政府决策民主化建设宣传贯彻不到位    6
(二)地方政府决策民主化建设手段开发不力    7
(三)地方政府决策民主化建设力度不够    7
(四)地方政府决策民主化建设创新认识不足    7
(五)地方政府决策民主化建设人才培养工作不到位    7
五、地方政府决策民主化建设问题之解决策略    8
(一)增强地方政府决策民主化建设意识    8
(二)扩展地方政府决策民主化建设手段    8
(三)加快地方政府决策民主化建设步伐    8
(四)增强地方政府决策民主化建设创新度    8
(五)培养更多地方政府决策民主化建设人才    9
结论    9
参考文献:    9
致谢    10