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摘    要

关键词: 利率市场化,商业银行,改革,影响,建议

The Impact of Interest Rate Marketization on the Development of Commercial Bankss Counter-Measure
The marketization of interest rate means the government would not control the interest rate any more . The relationship of the supply and demand of the market would decide how the level of market interest rate are. The reform of interest rate marketization is an important content in the reform of Chinese financial sector, which have serious  influence on commercial banks. Especially,on the main business - deposit and loan business. With the development of  marketization of interest rates, the operating environment of commercial banks and the competitive environment of external markets will change. In this process, commercial banks will actively respond to the impact of interest rate liberalization through their own management system reform and business innovation . At the same time, China should absorb foreign experience in the reform of interest rate marketization, proceed from its own national conditions, seek truth from facts, proceed step by step and steadily advance the process of interest rate marketization. In this paper, literature analysis and comparative analysis of the process of interest rate marketization of commercial banks in the impact of the analysis of the predecessors of the study, based on the proposed commercial banks should respond to the interest rate market-oriented recommendations and methods.

KEYWORDS:Interest Rate,Marketization ,Commercial Banks , Reform influence

目    录
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究内容及研究方法    1
1.2.1 研究内容    1
1.2.2 研究方法    2
1.2.3 创新之处    2
2 我国利率市场化的概述    4
2.1 利率的基本概念    4
2.2 利率市场化的含义    4
2.2.1 商业银行吸收存款和发放存款的利率的市场化    5
2.2.2 中央银行放弃对利率的直接调控,以间接调控为主    5
2.3 利率市场化改革的经济发展史的必然要求    6
2.3.1 金融改革的重要一项是利率市场化    6
2.3.2 货币政策贯彻落实的需要    6
2.3.3 与国际接轨的趋势要求进行改革    7
2.3.4 改革决定金融市场发展能否健康    7
2.4 我国利率市场化改革的现状    7
3 利率市场化进程对当下中国商业银行的影响    9
3.1 商业银行吸收存款和发放贷款将变得困难    9
3.1.1 商业银行吸收存款将更加困难    9
3.1.2 商业银行发放贷款将出现一系列问题    10
3.1.3 商业银行的存贷款利差将减少    11
3.2 增加商业银行的利率风险    11
3.3 商业银行将创新业务结构    11
4 吸取其他国家利率市场化的经验    12
4.1 发达国家利率市场化的过程    12
4.1.1 美国利率市场化特立独行    12
4.1.2 美国商业银行受到的影响    13
4.2 吸取其他发展中国家的教训    14
4.2.1 利率市场化改革使利率波动不稳定    14
4.2.2 激进式的改革导致金融危机的发生    15
4.3 从他国的经验中获得的启示    16
5 我国商业银行应对利率市场化的策略    18
5.1 深化商业银行管理体制改革    18
5.2 提高商业银行的风险管理水平,尤其是利率风险管理水平    18
5.3 积极拓宽银行经营的业务范围    18
参考文献    19
后    记    20