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The insurance industry financial risk problem research
摘    要

关键词: 财务风险,保险业,中国人寿保险公司

The research on financial risk management in our country began in 1980s and started late. Financial risk runs through all aspects of the production and operation of all walks of life, and is affected by the particularity of the industry. The insurance enterprise as a risk management unit, to undertake insurance business but also accumulated a lot of risks, and compared with the general industrial and commercial enterprises, the risk of the insurance industry, higher risk cycle longer and longer term risk, this will cause the insurance companies face the financial risk problem more prominent. Therefore, this paper studies problems relevant to financial risk management of insurance enterprises, it has great theoretical significance and practical significance: on the one hand, to enrich and develop the theory of financial risk management, insurance helps to improve the anti risk ability of enterprises on the other hand, in order to enhance the management level, enhance their profitability. The research papers from the financial risk of the insurance industry's point of view, based on the analysis of the financial risk status of the insurance industry, firstly summarizes the financial risk characteristics, and combined with related theories, analyzes the main financial risks, and the causes of the problem are discussed; secondly, combining the characteristics of life insurance company management system analysis, risk management system of Chinese life-insurance company. Finally, the paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures for the financial risk control of life-insurance company in china. Through the use of specific insurance companies, its financial risk management in-depth analysis, to explore its shortcomings, in order to support the overall analysis of the full text.

KEYWORDS:financial risk,insurance industry,life-insurance company

目    录
1 保险业务及其财务风险概述    1
1.1 保险行业    1
1.2 保险行业财务风险概述    1
1.3 保险业财务风险种类    2
1.3.1 筹资风险    2
1.3.2 投资风险    2
1.3.3 经营风险    3
1.3.4 存货管理风险    3
1.3.5 流动性风险    3
1.4 保险业财务风险特征    3
1.5 保险行业财务现状    4
2 以中国人寿保险股份有限公司为例    6
2.1 中国人寿保险股份有限公司背景    6
2.2 中国人寿保险股份有限公司财务状况    6
3 中国人寿保险公司主要财务风险    8
3.1 筹资风险    8
3.2 投资风险    8
3.3 承保环节风险    9
3.4 信誉风险受损    10
4 中国人寿保险财务风险存在原因    11
4.1 保险业务控制环节存在漏洞    11
4.2 财务信息不对称    11
4.2.1 财务管理制度不健全    12
4.2.2 应收账款过多    12
4.2.3 财务决策失误    12
4.3 财务风险认识不足    12
4.4 企业债务结构不合理    13
5 中国人寿财务风险治理对策    14
5.1 加强筹资环节财务风险管理    14
5.1.1 合理安排资本结构及资本来源    14
5.1.2 加强债务期限管理    14
5.2 加强保险各个环节财务监管    15
5.2.1 控制承保环节资产配置风险    15
5.2.2 加强保险资金运营效率    15
5.2.3 加强理赔业务人员的法律意识    15
5.2.4 建立风险监控体系    16
参考文献    17
后    记    18