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关键词 内部控制,公司治理,企业经营风险

A prominent feature of modern enterprise management is to strengthen internal management, the implementation and application of internal control is one of the important measures to strengthen internal management. At present, China's enterprises also attach great importance to the application of internal control to strengthen internal management. Compared with western developed countries, China's control theory research started late, so in the internal aspect, the majority of enterprises in China mainly used in the internal control system, documents issued by the relevant departments in China on the basis of referring to the successful experience of foreign enterprises. However, due to the development of China's socialist market economy is not perfect, internal control is not perfect, risk management awareness is still relatively lacking, which has caused great harm to society. In the current situation of economic integration, improve and strengthen the internal control of enterprises is conducive to the efficient operation of enterprise management, and promote the sustainable development of enterprises. This paper analyzes the existing problems in the internal control of Sanlu Group, and puts forward some countermeasures to improve and perfect the theory and practice.
Key words:   internal control,corporate governance,business risk

摘要    2
Abstract    3
2、会计信息化下内部控制存在的问题分析——以奥拓电子为例    4
3、1奥拓电子企业的简介         4
3、2会计信息化下奥拓电子有限公司内部控制问题分析    5
3、2、1风险评估的难度加大    5
3、2、2会计信息易于伪造    5
3、2、3网络的开放环境侵蚀内部控制壁垒    6
4、 会计信息化下企业内部控制成因分析    6
4、1财务人员素质不高,不能满足电算化处理的要求    6
5、会计信息化下企业内部控制对策分析    7
5、1加强会计信息系统网络安全的控制    7
5、3强会计人员的综合素质    7
5、3加大对“复合型”会计信息化人才的培养    7
6、结论    8
参考文献    8