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关键词: 衍生金融工具 金融期货 会计

Derivative financial instruments since the last century, 90 years into China since the rapid development of economic markets is an important part. In-depth study of the accounting treatment of derivative financial instruments is to improve the accounting theory, to promote the development of academic theory requirements, but also conducive to the development of financial instruments to help the accounting information users to make decisions. The current financial futures in the financial market prospects are good, has become an important investment tool, while a stable futures market for the study of financial futures accounting provides a realistic basis. On the basis of discussing the basic theory and accounting of derivative financial instruments, this paper focuses on hedging hedging, speculation arbitrage, in-depth study of financial futures accounting, combined with the actual problems of financial futures accounting, analysis of the reasons, and based on Realistic demand, put forward to improve the financial futures accounting treatment of the recommendations and countermeasures.
Key Words:  Derivative financial instruments  Financial futures   Accounting

目  录
绪 论    2
一、金融期货基本理论    2
(一)金融期货概念    2
(二)金融期货特点    2
(三)金融期货套期保值、投机和套利    3
1、金融期货套期保值    3
2、金融期货投机交易    3
(四)金融期货会计处理    3
1、金融期货套期保值的会计处理    3
2、 金融期货投机套利的会计处理    4
二、我国金融期货会计处理存在的问题及原因分析    4
(一)会计信息披露    4
1、会计信息披露不充分    4
2、会计信息披露不充分原因分析    6
(二)公允价值计量模式规定    7
1、公允价值模式规定不完善    7
2、公允价值模式问题原因分析    8
(三)专业会计人才    8
1、缺乏专业会计人才    8
2、会计人才缺乏原因分析    8
三、完善我国金融期货会计的对策    9
(一)完善我国金融工具会计信息披露规定    9
1、完善会计信息表内、表外披露规定    9
2、加强提高会计信息披露监管    9
3、建立信息风险预警机制    9
(二)完善公允价值规定    10
(三)培养专业会计人才    10
1、建立科学的人才培养机制    10
2、加强国家积极引导作用    10
结论    12
参考文献    13
致谢    14