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Analysis and Discussion on the Implementation of Internal Control of Listed Companies

关键词:上市公司    内部控制    经济管理    风险评估

Through the analysis and discussion on the implementation of internal control of listed companies, I can effectively apply interal control evaluation ideas and methods to the actual operation of enterprises. and grasp the quality of internal control operation of listed companies. Moreover, we can understand and analyze the problems existing in the internal control of listed companies, and take effective measures to improve the operation quality and business performance. The construction of a set of standardized and complete internal control system is crucial to the listed companies. Perfect internal control can effectively supervise and restrict the various organizations in the procurement of goods, property measurement, testing and use of other aspects of the process, so as to ensure that the organization of all assets of security and integrity, and can effectively correct the organization in the use of property and resources in the loss of waste phenomenon. A sound internal control system can detect and correct all kinds of errors and frauds that may occur in the process of collecting, classifying, recording and summarizing accounting information, so as to ensure the authenticity and integrity of accounting information. Market competition is changing rapidly. Organizational decision making must grasp all kinds of real and reliable information in time to ensure correctness of decision-making and effective and efficient operation and management of organizations.

Key Words: Listed Company    Internal Contral    Economic Management    Risk Assessment

目    录
内容摘要    I
Abstract    II
1  导言    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究目的与意义    1
2  内部控制的基本理论    2
2.1 内部控制的定义    2
2.2 内部控制的目标    3
2.3 内部控制的五要素    3
2.4 上市公司实施内部控制的必要性    5
3  上市公司实施内部控制存在的问题    5
3.1 控制环境不良    6
3.2 不完善的风险管理制度    6
3.4 控制活动不当    6
3.3 信息系统沟通存在障碍    7
3.5 监督力度不够    7
4  完善上市公司内部控制的对策    7
4.1 完善内部控制环境    8
4.2 健全内部控制制度    8
4.3 完善信息系统    8
4.4 强化风险意识、健全风险评估体系    9
4.5 建立有效的监督机制    9
5  结论    10
参考文献    11
致谢    12