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摘 要


As the era of science and technology development and continuous progress and change, the computer industry in the field of accounting is also increasingly diligence, will be used in all kinds of enterprise accounting application, playing an increasingly important role. Accounting computerization will gradually take the place of manual accounting, this will greatly reduce the labor force, make the data more accurate, this is also an important milestone in the history of the development of accounting. So its application in society is also more and more widely, of course, there are a variety of technology on the system problems and loopholes, using computerized system vulnerability to corruption, fraud and other illegal and criminal activity also increased, so that to the enterprise, society, and caused serious economic losses, so find out in any of the computerized accounting fraud.

KEY WORDS: The accounting computerization, fraud, crime, the countermeasures
前言    3
第一章 会计电算化存在的问题    3
1.1 会计软件的数据在安全性与保密性上存在的问题    3
1.2 会计软件在通用性上存在的问题    3
第二章 会计电算化舞弊的特点    2
2.1会计电算化舞弊具有危害性    4
2.2会计电算化舞弊具有隐蔽性    4
2.3会计电算化舞弊具有间接性    4
2.4会计电算化舞弊具有跨地域性    4
第三章 会计电算化存在舞弊的原因    4
3.1会计软件市场管理不一    5
3.2市场监管力度不够    5
3.3企业内部控制监督不到位    6
3.4会计从业人员职业道德素质有待提高    6
3.5会计电算化知识教育不完善    6
第四章 会计电算化存在的舞弊手段    7
4.1篡改输入     7
4.2 篡改文件    8
4.3 数据偷窃    8
4.4其他方法     9
第五章 防止会计电算化舞弊及对策    9
5.1提高完善会计电算化软件    9
5.2完善会计电算化相关法律制度    10
5.3提高单位内部审计力度    10
5.4提高会计人员的职业道德    11
5.5完善内部控制    11
5.6建立健全企业电算化会计档案管理制度    12
5.7合理开发利用电算化会计档案    13
5.8增强对企业电子档案、保管人员的管理    14
5.9制定长远规划    15
5.10加强人才队伍建设,完善人员配置结构    16
5.11规范归档,确保企业电算化会计档案收集完整齐全    16
总结    17
参考文献    18