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摘    要

关键词: 会计电算化,会计信息化,互联网,计算机,审计

The influence of modern accounting theory of computerized accounting development
As in recent years, along with the advance of computer and modern information technology, computerized accounting is more and more attention, from the original manual accounting computerized accounting development to operation, greatly improving the quality of accounting work and accounting work efficiency. Put forward this concept in accounting computing since 1981 has been nearly 40 years, but along with the advance of social science, the enterprise information and in-depth development of the accounting computerization " accounting computerization.This concept is proposed at the beginning of 1999. Process in the development of computerized accounting is a process of cell fission, start from preliminary computer instead of accounting development, this process is the curves, and the effect of the process of the development of modern accounting is huge, is we to the change of accounting standards, accounting development the development of accounting computerization experienced a very long time reserves and the development of hardware technology, the healthy development of the linear can provides the research foundation for us. In this paper to audit as the breakthrough point, detailed analysis the influence of electric accounting computerization of the audit.

KEYWORDS:computerized accounting, the accounting information, the Internet, computer, audit

目    录
前言    1
1 什么是会计电算化    2
1.1 会计电算化的概念    2
1.2 会计电算化的基本信息    3
1.3 会计电算化的基本任务    3
2 会计电算化的发展    4
2.1 我国会计电算化工作的发展方向    4
2.2 会计电算化工作的特点    4
3 会计电算化对审计的影响    6
3.1 对审计线索、人员、技术、内部控制的影响    6
3.2 对审计标准和准则的影响    7
4 我国会计电算化审计存在的问题和原因    8
4.1 我国会计电算化审计存在的问题    8
4.1.1 会计电算化审计的线索容易缺失    8
4.1.2 缺少大量精通会计电算化审计的专业人才    8
4.1.3 会计电算化审计软件质量较低    9
4.1.4 会计电算化审计自身存在缺陷    9
4.2 我国会计电算化审计存在问题的原因    9
4.2.1 会计电算化审计法律法规以及相关制度不完善    9
4.2.2 会计电算化审计的组织结构不健全    10
4.2.3 会计电算化审计软件审核机制有缺陷    10
4.2.4 会计电算化审计内部控制不健全    10
4.2.5 会计电算化审计的运行环境不安全    11
5 完善我国会计电算化审计的建议    12
5.1 制定完善相关法律法规以及会计电算化系统审计准则    12
5.2 注重培养高素质的审计人才    12
5.3 研发高效实用的会计电算化审计软件    12
5.4 采用统一的会计电算化系统审计接口    13
5.5 完善会计电算化审计的内部控制体系    13
参考文献    14
后    记    15