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摘  要


关键词:产业  文化艺术  艺术市场  艺术管理 


Art is not only a kind of beauty, is also a kind of industry, in what is now the varied, colorful art world, because of the need to correctly judge the value of art, to find the correct expression of art, so art management is playing a more and more important role. Art management not only promoted the vigorous development of cultural and arts enterprises, meet the needs of the cultural market, at the same time it driven culture art industry is also a important factor to promote China's international competitiveness, is the construction and development of socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics important demand. To promote the development of cultural industry cross-cutting, sustainability, we must to speed up the cultural and artistic talent team construction, management, that is, do a good job in art management, management of art on the prominent position. For the art management for the development of this new discipline, it will be for the development of cultural industry develop cultural foundation and the cultural and artistic appreciation ability of specialized personnel, greatly promote the innovation of the art industry and prosperity.

Key words: Industry   Culture art   Art market   Management

目  录

引  言    1
一、艺术管理的含义    1
(一)艺术的含义    1
(二)艺术管理的含义    1
二、艺术管理的发展现状    2
(一)我国艺术管理处于发展阶段    2
(二)我国对艺术管理人才的培养    3
三、艺术管理在艺术发展中的作用    3
(一)艺术管理对艺术的保护作用    3
(二)艺术管理对艺术发展的推动作用    4
(三)艺术管理对艺术发展的监督作用    5
结  论    6
参考文献    7