摘 要:在经济全球化的今天,海外并购已成为必然趋势之一,而相对于发达国家企业来说,我国民营企业的海外并购在实践中还存在很多问题。本文首先介绍了并购的概念及理论,接着分析了民营企业选择并购这种投资方式的原因,以吉利收购沃尔沃为例分析了海外并购的现状,并提出了应对策略,最后分析了企业海外并购的趋势,以对我国企业的海外并购实践提供一定参考。
Cause and Tendency Analysis of Multinational Merger and Acquisition of Chinese Private Enterprises--Geely's takeover of Volvo as an example
Abstract: Under the present situation of economic globalization, overseas M & A has become an inevitable tendency, while compared to the enterprises in developed countries, there still existed some question regarding to the practice of our M & A. This paper firstly introduces the concept and theory of M & A, then it analyzed some reasons of the Private Enterprise’s choice the investment of M & A, and uses Geely’s acquisitions of Volvo as an example to analyze the status of overseas acquisitions, and proposed countermeasures, finally, it points out the tendency of Overseas M & A.
Key Words: Merger ; redistribution theory ; scale