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摘  要:新资本结构理论和现代公司治理理论的融合表明,债务融资对公司治理起着非常重要的作用。本文认为我国上市公司存在着严重的融资结构不合理以及债务期限短期化问题,上市公司债务融资短期化问题主要是我国资本市场发展不平衡、法律体系薄弱、公司治理结构不合理等多方面的宏观和微观因素造成的,优化公司债务期限结构是优化我国上市公司融资结构、发挥债务融资治理效应的关键。最后针对问题本身和导致问题产生原因,结合我国目前阶段的实际情况,提出了优化我国上市公司融资结构的对策建议。

The Causes And Solutions Of Short-Term Debt Financing Problems Of Listed Companies
Abstract:Debt finacing is very important to the management of companies,which has been demonstrated by new capital structure theory and modern corporate governance theory.In this paper,we discuss the exsiting short-term debt financing problems and irrational financing structure in China’s listed companies.The courses lead to such situation are varied.The inbalance of our capital market development,the weakness of our legal system and the tommyrot of corporate governance are the main facts.The key point to solve all the problems is an optimal corporate debt maturity structure of each company.At the end of the essay, specifid suggestions has been proposed accoring to the problem itself,its causes and the actual situation of current stagein our country.
Key words:Debt Financing;Capital structure;Equity finance;Financing preference