This paper is the design of independent suspension drive axle based on Dongfeng “Mengshi” high mobility off- road vehicle, whose code name is EQ2050B. The design includes final drive, differential and axle shaft .Design results was modeled by Catia and derived two-dimensional maps, and finally was modified in AutoCAD to meet the requirements of the engineering drawing. Through multidisciplinary knowledge, design strictly and check completely in the design process. Matlab,excel and other calculate software were used to improve the calculation efficiency .The parametric modeling process of Gears and involute splines is helpful to modification. Finally, the design of independent suspension drive axle is completed ,which includes a single final drive by hypoid gear drive, a pneumatic forced locking differential and a full-floating half axle drive .This design process has reference function to the design of automobile drive axle, it’s an attempt to combine multidisciplinary knowledge for automobile design.
Key words:automobile drive axle; final drive; differential;

第1章 绪论 1
第2章 现有车型的基本参数及分析 2
第3章 主减速器的设计 3
3.1 主减速器的结构选型 3
3.1.1 主减速器齿轮的选型 3
3.1.2 主减速器齿轮的支承形式及布置方法 3
3.1.3 主减速器的减速形式 4
3.2 主减速器基本参数的选择与设计计算 5
3.2.1 主减速器传动比的确定 5
3.2.2 主减速器齿轮计算载荷的确定 6
3.2.3 主减速器基本参数的初步确定 8
3.2.4 “格里森”制双曲面齿轮几何尺寸的计算 10
3.2.5 主减速器齿轮的强度校核 12
3.2.6 主减速器轴承的选型及校核 15
第4章 差速器的设计 20
4.1 汽车差速器的选型 20
4.2 差速器的设计计算 21
4.2.1 差速器齿轮基本参数的选择 21
4.2.2 差速器齿轮几何尺寸的计算 22
4.2.3 差速器齿轮的强度校核 23
第5章 车轮传动装置的设计 24
5.1 半轴的形式选择 24
5.2 半轴的设计 24
5.2.1 半轴计算载荷的确定 24
5.2.2 半轴的强度校核 25
5.2.3 半轴花键的设计及校核 25
5.3 万向节的选型及其设计 27
第6章 结论 28
参考文献 29
附录A 30
致谢 32