关键词:电动客车 储能技术 驱动电机
General layout design for pure electric vehicle
As one of the most important means of transportation in modern society,the vehicle is people with convenient and comfortable service,with enormous amount of waste gas generated from the usage of traditional fuel vehicle ,resulted in the dependence of petroleum which8 is non-renewable resources.The electric vehicle(EV),which is featured by well protection of environment and versatile various kinds of energy power,with the advantages of environmental protection,reconstruction of system to release its shortage and safety of energy.
This paper firstly gives a general introduction of pure electric vehicle(PEV),including PEV’s development,the advantages and disadvantages,the construction and theory,and forms of electric motors.Then it analyzes the operation principle of EV(Storage→Battery-Current→Flow-Power→Regulation-Generator-Power→Transm-ission)step by step,i.e.relationship between rotate speed and torque,rotate speed and power,and power and torque in the electric components;Energy storage,energy management system in EV core technology,etc.Meanwhile,it discusses the technical difficulties unavoidable of EV’s development,i.e.the limited volume of storage battery in unit weight,the purchasing cost of EV,the higher expense for maintenance,etc.This paper comes to an analysis of the main problem EV is conquering and the prospect of electric vehicle’s development.
Key Words:Electric Vehicle Energy Storage Technology Drive Motor

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1本课题研究的目的与意义 1
1.1.1电动客车的优点 1
1.1.2电动客车的缺点 2
1.2 国内外的研究现状 3
1.3 本文所做的工作 4
第二章 纯电动客车的组成与工作原理 5
2.1 纯电动客车的基本组成 5
2.1.1车载电源 5
2.1.2电池管理系统 6
2.1.3驱动电机和驱动系统 7
2.1.4 控制系统 8
2.1.5车身及底盘 8
2.1.6安全保护系统 9
2.2 纯电动客车工作原理 9
2.2.1纯电动客车的工作原理 9
2.3本章小结 10
第三章 纯电动客车的整车布置设计 12
3.1 纯电动客车车身总体布置设计 12
3.1.1.设计中的人机工程问题 12
3.1.2车身空间设计 13
3.1.3.客车内装饰 17
3.1.4轴距的选择与设计 18
3.2 纯电动客车电池设计 18
3.2.1纯电动客车的蓄电池与能源管理系统 18
3.2.2纯电动客车动力电池匹配 20
3.3 纯电动客车电机设计 23
3.3.1纯电动客车驱动电机的种类 23
3.3.2直流电动机 23
3.4纯电动客车动力与底盘布置设计 27
3.4.1底盘结构参数匹配 27
3.5本章小结 30
第四章 纯电动客车的主要性能计算 31
4.1 纯电动客车基本参数 31
4.2 纯电动客车电气系统参数匹配 31
4.2.1电动机参数选择 31
4.2.2电池参数选择 33
4.3 纯电动客车计算性能 34
4.3.1操纵稳定性分析计算 34
4.4纯电动客车视图 37
4.4.1纯电动客车底盘视图 37
4.4.2纯电动客车三视图简图 37
4.5本章小结 38
第五章 总结与展望 39
5.1纯电动客车发展的主要问题 39
5.2电动客车的发展趋势 39
5.3结束语 40
致谢 41
参考文献 42