摘 要
The automobile industry is an important industry in China,which is a sign of the progress and development of the country.Facing the increasingly severe environmental and energy issues,to develop energy conservation and new energy vehicles has become an inevitable trend.
With China's rapid economic development,China has become the world's first automobile production and sales country,car ownership is also continuing rapid growth.Gasoline and diesel,which are used by the traditional car,are derived from oil,and this non renewable energy is becoming more and more intense.And the power of access to more than a lot of channels,and the transport of electricity is more convenient,the use of pollution-free process,is environmentally friendly,clean energy.According to this situation,this paper designs a pure electric vehicle which can be used in the crowded city and even in the room.Because there is no difference between the body part and the traditional car,so this paper focuses on the chassis of the pure electric vehicle design,design a new structure of the pure electric vehicle chassis.Through the pure electric vehicle chassis overall design,power transmission system design, frame system design several aspects,complete the new structure of the chassis design of pure electric vehicles.
纯电动汽车与传统汽车最大的差别在于动力系统。传统汽车使用汽油、柴油或者液化天然气作为燃料,而其动力源则是发动机,由于发动机的特性,传统汽车配备离合器、变速箱等系统来改善发动机的动力和它的输出,使得传统汽车的特点是结构和系统相对来说更加复杂。纯电动汽车采用电机作为驱动源,电机的动力输出特性决定了纯电动汽车传动结构更为简单,动力输出的控制更为简便。 本文在这里,主要是介绍纯电动汽车的动力总成形式与组成。

目 录
目 录 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外电动汽车底盘发展概况 2
1.2.2 国内电动汽车底盘研究现状 3
1.2.3 电动汽车底盘发展存在的问题 3
1.3 研究的目的和主要工作内容 3
2 纯电动汽车底盘总体设计 5
2.1 纯电动汽车底盘整体布置 5
2.2 动力传动系统 5
2.3 车架系统...................................................................................................................7
2.4 其他系统介绍...........................................................................................................7
2.5 电池组.....................................................................................................................8
3 动力传统系统设计..............................................................................................................10
3.1 驱动电机参数确定 13
3.2 动力传动比确定 14
4 车架系统设计.....................................................................................................................14
4.1 车架功能与材料分析 15
4.2 车架整体结构设计....................................................................................................15
4.3 车架与电池框接口设计............................................................................................15
5 结论与展望 16
5.1 结论 16
5.2 展望 16
致谢 17
参考文献 18