关键词:提升机 滚筒 主轴 钢丝绳
The mine lift technique is in the mine haulage pharynx and larynx equipment, holds the special status, and is the mine shaft and the ground relation main tool.
The mine lift technique use is picks up and ships the ore and the scrap rock along the well chamber, the fluctuation personnel, the release material, the tool and the equipment. Mine lift technique in work once if has the machinery and the electrical failure can create the production suspension, even person casualties. In order to guarantee the production and personnel's safety requirements mine lift technique movement is accurate, safe reliable, the well must have the performance good control device and the protective device.
The mine lift technique power consumption occupies the mine pit total power consumption generally 170%, therefore in order to reduce the ore the cost, must the economical reasonably choice and the use mine lift technique. The mine lift technique also is one of mine pit most greatly fixed equipments, is - the complex machinery - electricity unit.
This article in view of the mining machinery special request, the key design reel part and the main axle part, two parts is the elevator essential part, the direct consequence which reel under capacity causes is the tube shell is bruised, the welded joint dehiscence and so on; The main axle transmits the power unit, when design needs to consider its withstanding the crooked moment of force, the key to the main axle intensity weakening and the assembly question, the axis technological requirement and so on.
Through this time design, may reduce the lifting hoist design cycle, enhances the product the design quality, and enhances the enterprise technological innovation ability and market competition ability.
Key words: lifting hoist drum main axle steel wire

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.1.1 提升机的分类 1
1.1.2 提升机的概述 2
1.2 国内外提升机的发展概况 3
1.3 提升机的技术性能 4
1.3.1 缠绕式提升机及提升绞车 4
1.3.2 提升绞车 5
1.4 各个系列提升机的主要结构特点 5
2 2JK-2.5×1.5型提升机的组成及各部分结构特点 8
3 各系列提升机主轴装置 10
3.1 主轴装置的结构 10
3.2 各种主轴结构图示 10
3.3 两种调绳离合器的简介 15
4 单绳缠绕式提升机滚筒的设计与计算 23
4.1 缠绕式提升机卷筒的结构 23
4.2 正常工作时作用于筒壳上的外载荷 27
4.3 筒壳强度的计算 35
4.4 多层缠绕时筒壳的计算特点 36
4.5 具体计算及校核2JK-2.5X1.5型的筒壳强度 37
5 主轴理论设计及强度校核 42
5.1 主轴的结构 42
5.2 主轴及附属部件的设计、计算 43
5.3 主轴的校核 48
5.3.1 2JK-2.5X1.5型矿用提升机已知条件 48
5.3.2 固定载荷分配于主轴各轮毂作用点上的力 49
5.3.3 钢绳张力分配于主轴各轮毂作用点上的力 51
5.3.4 作用于轴上水平方向及垂直方向的合力 53
5.3.5 计算支点反力 55
5.3.6 计算弯矩 56
5.3.7 计算扭矩及扭转强度 59
5.3.8 计算危险断面的安全系数 60
6 轴承的计算校核 61
6.1. 轴承选取 61
6.2. 轴承校核 63
7 切向键的校核 64
8 过盈配合校核 66
致 谢 72
参考文献 73