随着工业革命的不断变革,在各个工业领域中机械手的地位变得越来越重。本篇文章主要记述了机械手的设计计算过程 。
关键词: 机械手; 液压传动; 液压缸;
Machinery industry is to provide equipment for the national economy and people's life and durable consumer goods industry. With the development of world economy, scale and technical level of machinery industry has become a measure of an important symbol of a nation's development. Therefore, the world all countries to develop machinery industry as a strategic priority to develop national economy.
With the constant change of the industrial revolution, in various industrial fields in the position of the manipulator is becoming more and more heavy. This article mainly describes the design and calculation process of the manipulator.
First, this paper introduces the development and use of the manipulator of the manipulator, composition, classification and so on, the degrees of freedom and the style of the manipulator overall coordinates. At the same time, the article gives the main performance specifications of the manipulator parameters.
The article introduces the design of the manipulator principle and design method. Comprehensive and detailed discussed the structure design of the main component of manipulator.
Keywords: manipulator; hydraulic power transmission; hydrauliccylin- de.

第一章引言 1
第二章手部结构设计 4
2.1 手爪的结构选定 4
2.2 液压缸的选定 5
2.2.1 单活塞液压缸缸筒内径的计算 5
2.2.2 缸筒壁厚的计算 5
2.2.3 缸筒壁厚的验算 6
2.2.4 液压缸活塞杆的确定及校核 8
2.2.5 活塞的最大行程 9
2.2.6 缸盖螺钉的计算 9
2.2.7 液压缸其它元件的确定 10
第三章上升缸设计 12
3.1 上升缸活塞杆受力分析 12
3.1.1 缸筒壁厚验算 13
3.1.2 缸筒端部法兰厚度计算 14
3.1.3 液压缸其它元件的确定 14
3.1.4 液压缸行程确定 15
第四章底座的设计 16
4.1 底座材料及尺寸的选定 16
4.2 地板螺栓的确定 16
4.2.1 受翻转力矩的螺栓组连接 16
4.2.2 缸盖螺钉的计算 17
第五章计算和选择液压元件 19
5.1 阀的种类和功用 19
5.1.1 压力控制阀 19
5.1.2 流量(速度)控制阀(流量阀) 19
5.1.3 方向控制阀 19
5.2 拟定液压系统 20
5.2.1 换向回路 20
5.2.2 调速方案 20
5.2.3 系统的安全性 20
5.2.4 合成并完善液压系统 20
5.3 油泵的选择 20
5.3.1 确定油泵的工作压力 20
5.3.2 计算液压泵的流量 21
5.3.3 确定油泵所需要的电动机功率 21
5.4 液压系统中的辅助装置 22
5.4.1 油箱容积的确定 22
5.4.2 油箱的结构 23
5.5 液压系统中的辅助装置 23
结论 25
参考文献 26
致谢 27