摘 要
In the vehicle brake system is very important. Braking failure can be result in serious consequences. The main part of the braking system is the brake. In the modern car brake shoe - brake drum which has high braking efficiency is still widely used.
Drum brake, also known as block-type brake. The mainstream of drum brakes is sheets style, and its brake shoes located inside the brake wheel. When braking, brake-blocks open outward to friction the inside of the brake drum. The design of the friction drum brakes were related to the design and calculation. The design based on the actual product, accord to our country brake factory general new product development process, and union theoretical design requirements. The first, according to assigns vehicle the parameter and the specification, determine the brake structure, actuation structure and brake main parameters. And then calculate the braking torque, brake effectiveness factor, brake retarded velocity, brake temperature rise, etc. And the major components of the brake base on these to design. Finally, completes the assembly and details drawings.
KEY WORDS:Drum brake, Braking torque, Drake efficiency factor, Braking deceleration, Brake temperature rising
汽车空,满载时的总质量: ma’=1110kg,ma=3450kg,轴荷分配:前/后39.4%、60.6%;
空,满载时的质心位置,包括质心高度:hg’= 700mm,hg=820mm;

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 选题背景与意义 1
1.3 研究现状 2
第二章 鼓式制动器结构形式与选择 3
第三章 制动系的主要参数及其选择 4
3.1 制动力与制动力分配系数 4
3.2 同步附着系数 7
3.3 制动器最大制动力矩 8
3.4 鼓式制动器的结构参数与摩擦系数 10
3.4.1 制动鼓内径D 10
3.4.2 摩擦衬片宽度b和包角β 10
3.4.3 摩擦衬片起始角 12
3.4.4 制动器中心到张开力P作用线的距离a 12
3.4.5 制动蹄支承点位置坐标k和c 12
3.4.6 衬片摩擦系数f 12
第四章 制动器的设计计算 13
4.1 制动器因素计算 13
4.2 制动驱动机构的设计计算 14
4.2.1 所需制动力的计算 14
4.2.2 确定制动轮缸直径 15
4.2.3 轮缸的工作容积 15
4.2.4 制动主缸的直径与工作容积 16
4.2.5 制动踏板力验算 16
4.3 制动蹄片上的制动力矩 17
4.4 摩擦衬片的磨损特性 20
4.5 制动器的热容量和温升核算 22
4.6 行车制动效能计算 23
4.7 驻车制动的计算 23
第五章 制动器主要零件的结构设计 25
5.1 制动鼓 25
5.2 制动蹄 26
5.3 制动底板 26
5.4 制动蹄的支承 26
5.5 制动轮缸 27
5.6 摩擦材料 27
5.7 制动器间隙 28
第六章 三维建模 29
6.1 UG的特点 29
6.2 UG的应用 29
第七章 结论 32
7.1 论文结论 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34
附录A:英文资料 35
附录B:英文资料翻译 45
附录C:鼓式制动器装配图及零件图 55
附件: 毕业论文光盘资料