摘 要
随着变频调速异步电动机在国内外市场上日益扩大应用,自90年代中期以来,我国有众多电动机生产企业设计、研制和生产适用于不同应用的各种系列变频调速三相异步电动机,例如:通用变频调速电动机系列、起重冶金变频调速电动机系列、隔爆变频调速电动机系列、电梯变频调速电动机系列、辊道变频调速电动机系列、牵引变频调速电动机系列等。从目前情况看,这些系列电动机能基本满足国内市场的需求原理是当定子三绕组通三相对称电流后,定转子产生旋转磁场,根据右手定则,转子绕组产生感应电动势,由于绕组是闭合的,所以产生感应电流,根据左手定则,转子绕组相当于空间绕组,进而产生电磁转距,合成磁转距大于阻转距时,电机起动,重点是三相异步电动机变频调速,一方面当f1<fN时,为恒转矩调速,转矩不变,额定转速降低,增大起动转矩Tst,另一方面当f1>fN时,为恒功率调速,调速前后功率不变,额定转速升高,减小启动转矩Tst。变频调速可以实现宽范围内的平滑调速,变频调速电机以简单的结构、优良的调速性能、较高的调速比,应用越来越广泛 。本论文的主要就是利用三菱变频器,对三相异步电动机进行变频的调速。
With the increasing application of VVVF asynchronous motors in the domestic and foreign markets, since the middle of 90's, China's motor manufacturers design, development and production is suitable for various series of Variable-Frequency Adjustable-Speed Three-Phase Asynchronous Motor, different applications such as: General VVVF motor series, crane and metallurgical VVVF motor series, flameproof inverter motor series, VVVF elevator motor series, roller VVVF motor series, inverter-fed motor series. Judging from the current situation, these series motors can basically meet the needs of the domestic market is the principle when the stator winding through three symmetrical three-phase current, stator and rotor rotating magnetic field is generated, according to the right-hand rule, the rotor winding induced electromotive force, the winding is closed, so generate induction current, according to the left, the rotor winding is equivalent to space winding, and electromagnetic torque, starting motor magnetic torque is greater than the resistance of synthesis of torque,, the focus is variable frequency speed control of three-phase asynchronous motor, hand when F1 < fN, for constant torque speed, torque is not changed, the rated speed is reduced, increase the starting torque of Tst, on the other hand, when F1 > fN, for constant power speed, speed regulation and constant power, rated speed increased, reduce the starting torque Tst. VVVF can achieve smooth speed wide range, frequency conversion motor with simple structure, good performance of speed regulation, high speed adjustment, more and more extensive application. The main of this paper is to utilize Mitsubishi inverter frequency, speed control of three-phase asynchronous motor.
Key words: threephase asynchronous motor ;Mitsubishi inverter ;frequency control

目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2 国内外的发展概况 2
1.3 本课题应达到的要求 3
2 三相异步电动机的研究 4
2.1 三相异步电动机的结构 4
2.2 三相异步电动机的转动原理 5
2.3 异步电机的等效电路 6
2.4 异步电动机的调速原理及方法 7
2.5 电动机和电源的连接 8
3 三菱变频器 9
3.1 三菱变频器的结构 9
3.2 三菱变频器的操作面板 10
3.3 三菱变频器的安装 11
3.4 三菱变频器的接线 12
4 三菱变频器的变频系统设计 17
4.1 三菱变频器的操作系统 17
4.2 频率系统的设定 19
4.3 三菱变频器系统的调速设定 22
4.4 加减速时间设定 24
4.5 保护系统的设计 26
4.6 调速系统的软件设计 26
4.7 变频器出错对策 27
4.7.1 电机保持不转 27
4.7.2 电机旋转方向相反 27
4.7.3 速度与设定值相差很大 27
4.7.4 加减速不平稳 27
4.7.5 速度不能增加 28
5 结论与展望 29
5.1 结论 29
5.2 展望 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31