摘 要
In view of the shortage of funds, and small-scale industrial production, smaller funds rapidly changing the face of Machinery Industry backward production, so as much as possible to improve the degree of automation to ensure production quality, reduce the degree of labor to improve economic efficiency. Effective to achieve this task, the basic way is universal and application of economical CNC.
The design of the hot plate special machine is ordinary machine tools and CNC technologies together. The design of the machine reference bed and processing of vertical milling machine and gantry milling machine, and additional CNC technology. Can realize the automation of the processing, improve the processing efficiency.
Hot plate special machine design, is mainly responsible for the feed system and electric control system design. The feed system is used, the stepper motor, ball screw and linear rolling guide rail combining the transfer mode, the use of stepper motor rotation, driven by the rotation of the ball screw, in order to achieve the direction of movement of the table along the guide rails. The electronic control system is using the 8031 chip, constitute the open-loop system, take advantage of the speed and direction of the chip stepper motor control, automated processing.
The design of the machine is not very high machining accuracy, good stability, low prices, equipment costs less input, to meet the needs of the early development of enterprises, suited to China's national conditions.
Key words: CNC ;stepper motor ;ball screw

目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1概述 1
1.2 课题源公司的简介 1
1.3 本设计任务相关要求 1
1.4 热盘工件图样 1
2 加工方法选择 3
2.1 工艺方案的制定 3
2.2 采用立式铣削加工的理由 3
2.3 数控机床 4
2.3.1 数控机床工作原理 4
2.3.2 数控机床的组成 4
2.3.3 数控编程坐标系的选取 5
3 机床总体设计方案的拟定 6
4 进给系统的设计 9
4.1 工作台进给系统的设计 9
4.1.1 传动部件的选择和分析 9
4.1.2 导轨的选择与设计 10
4.1.3 驱动电机的选择和分析 12
4.1.4 轴承的选择 16
4.1.5 工作台进给系统的结构 18
4.2 横梁进给系统设计 19
4.2.1 横梁进给系统的结构 19
4.2.2 横梁结构的分析 20
4.2.3 横梁进给系统零部件选择 20
5 进给系统机械部分设计 21
5.1工作台进给系统机械部分设计 21
5.1.1 滚珠丝杠的机械特性计算 21
5.1.2 导轨副的作用、计算与选择 23
5.1.3 步进电机的选择 23
5.1.4 联轴器的选择 25
5.1.5 轴承的选择 25
5.2横梁进给系统机械部分设计 25
6 电控系统部分设计 26
6.1 控制形式的选择和分析 26
6.1.1 开环控制系统 26
6.1.2 闭环控制系统 26
6.1.3 半闭环控制系统 26
6.2 控制系统方案确定 27
6.2.1 数控系统基本硬件组成 27
6.2.2 总体组成 27
6.3 软、硬件任务合理分配 27
6.4 主控器 28
6.4.1 主控芯片选择 28
6.4.2 MCS---51系列单片机介绍 28
6.4.3 三总线结构 29
6.4.4 存储器结构 29
6.4.5 时序 29
6.4.6 中断功能 31
6.4.7 MCS---51单片机常用系统扩展芯片 31
6.5 存储系统扩展设计 31
6.5.1 芯片选择 31
6.5.2 地址分配及译码 32
6.6 机床中部分电机控制电路 34
6.6.1 电动机正反转控制电路 34
6.6.2 冷却泵的控制电路 35
7 结论与展望 37
7.1结论 37
7.2不足之处及未来展望 37
致 谢 38
参考文献 39