The design of CNC single-column vertical lathe crossbeam lifting box
CNC machine tool machining process automation is one of the most important measures, it can not only improve the quality of products, improve production efficiency, reduce the production cost, but also can improve the labor condition of workers.
The use of CNC machine tools can improve the machining precision, the stability of product quality.Can be eliminated in the process of operation error.CNC equipment is based on CNC technology as the representative of the new technology on traditional manufacturing industry and burgeoning manufacturing industry to penetrate the formation of integration of mechanical and electrical products, the so-called digital equipment.The development of numerical control technology to China's industrial development has an important role in.
This article is divided into eight parts, around a lathe transmission system design, mainly on the CNC machine's basic layout principle and characteristics of the organization, transmission system scheme, gear selection check, shaft design.This paper discusses the transmission system arrangement, optimum distribution of transmission ratio, gear design and verification.Design of shafts and gears, correlation coefficient to decide, shaft installation and checking.
Key Words:Gear;Shaft;Transmission system

1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的意义 1
1.2 毕业设计预期目标 1
2 数控机床概述 3
2.1 数控车床布局及分类 3
2.2 数控机床的工作原理 3
3 方案选择 5
3.1 传动系统 5
3.1.1 机械传动基本形式的特点及其选用 6
3.1.2 传动系统基本比较组合 6
3.1.3 传动方案的确定 7
3.2电动机的选择 8
3.2.1 选择电动机应综合考虑的问题 8
3.2.2 电动机类型选择 9
3.2.3 电动机功率计算及选择 10
4 传动计算 13
4.1 丝杆选择及相关参数的计算 13
4.1.1 丝杆落幕传动的特点及应用 13
4.1.2 丝杆螺母传动分类 13
4.1.3 丝杠螺母转动的导程,效率和驱动扭矩的计算 14
4.2 传动比的计算与分配 15
4.3 计算各轴的转速、功率和转矩 16
4.3.1 各轴的转速的计算 16
4.3.2 各轴的输出功率 16
4.3.3 各轴的转矩 16
5 齿轮设计 17
5.1 第一对齿轮(锥齿直齿轮)的设计 17
5.2 第二对齿轮(柱齿斜齿轮)的没计 18
5.3 第三队齿轮(柱齿直齿轮)的设计 20
6 轴系零件的设计 23
6.1 轴的设计 23
6.2 轴的校核 25
6.2.1 Ⅰ轴校核 25
6.2.2 Ⅱ轴校核 28
6.2.3 Ⅲ轴校核 31
6.2.4 Ⅳ轴校核 34
6.3 轴承、键和联轴器 37
6.3.1 轴承 37
6.3.2 键联接的选择和校核 40
6.3.3 联轴器的选择 41
7 箱体和附加零件设计 42
7.1 箱体主要设计尺寸 42
7.2 附件的结构设计 43
7.2.1 轴承端盖、调整垫片和密封圈 43
7.2.2 轴Ⅰ轴承套杯和轴上圆螺母 46
7.2.3 挡油环 46
7.2.4 定距轴环 47
7.2.5 通气器和窥视孔盖 47
7.2.6 油标 48
7.2.7 放油螺塞 49
7.2.8 起吊装置 49
8 润滑 51
8.1 齿轮传动润滑 51
8.2 滚动轴承的润滑 51
总结 52
参考文献 53
致谢 54
附录 55