摘 要
Multi-purpose seeding mechanism test platform design
The article opening introduced the advanced seeding mechanism test platform existing fine broadcasts the seeding mechanism regarding the understanding and grasping the technical performance, studies and develops the new generation of high performance seeder the importance, this design introduced one kind of new seeding mechanism test platform mechanism and the electrical part parameter design calculation method, as well as the electrical equipment selects the basis: And has given the overall structure disposition chart.The seeding mechanism test platform structure may in the experiment simulate each kind of precision seeding mechanism high speed work condition, and achieved the precision measuring plants the goal which the seed is apart from.This design introduced systematically this seeding mechanism test platform design process and the method, and have inserted some diagrams in the computation process, is more advantageous to the understanding.Has the rigorous manner in design each process, guarantees various data the accuracy.
Key words:Agricultural engineering; Seeding mechanism test platform; Design
试验台总体结构,主要有台架,种床带装置,排种器安装架装 置 ,以及5mm厚,长宽不一的铁板

目 录
1 绪论 1
2 工作原理及总体结构 2
2.1工作原理 2
2.2总体结构 2
3 主要工作部件参数的设计 3
3.1种床长度的确定 3
3.2种床带前进速度的确定 3
3.3排种盘转速的调整范围 3
3.4种床带传送装置驱动电机功率的确定 3
4 设计传动系统 5
4.1一级皮带传动的设计 5
4.2二级皮带传动的设计 9
5.各轴的设计 12
5.1 轴的材料 12
5.2轴的结构设计 13
5.3第一传动轴(电动机与输送装置相连的轴)的设计 13
5.4第二传动轴的设计 17
5.5第三传动轴的设计 18
6.毕业设计总结 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 24