摘 要
本设计的题目是加工石英表铁芯的级进模具,通过对方案的选择排样的计算,冲压力的计算和压力中心确定的计算以及凸凹模刃口的计算等使本副模具基本符合冲压要求,由于石英表铁芯的面积较小,材料较薄并且Cr12硬度很高,中间横梁的连接处宽度只有0.8mm,所以加工难度大设计困难。0.8mm的凸模不容易加工出来,所以采取级进模具加工(本副模具为2个工位)先冲孔,再用组合凸模经过两次送进完整的落料实现零件的成形,只有这样才避免冲孔后直接落料 0.8mm宽的横梁的麻烦。
Mold design of the processing quartz form iron core
Topic that design originally to process quartz form grade , iron of core enter mould , rank the calculation of kind through the choice to the scheme, it makes this pair of moulds accord with the request of pressing basically to press calculation , calculation which the pressure centre confirm and calculation of the protruding concave mould blade of strength ,etc., because the area of the quartz form iron core is relatively small, the material is very more high in hardness than thin and Cr12, there is only 0.8mm in the width of junction of the middle crossbeam , so process the degree of difficulty and design the difficulty greatly. The protruding mould of 0.8mm is not easy to process out, so adopt grade enter the mould and process (this pair of moulds are for 3 pieces of engineering location ) and wash holes first , and then send to intact blanking and realize the taking shape of the part twice by making the protruding mould up, only in this way avoid washing the trouble of the direct blanking 0.8mm wide crossbeam after holes.
Grade enter precision of mould expect very much and lead demanding to be very accurate, the obstruction that it is very great to meet while designing this pair of moulds is through and gets rid of and chooses this scheme to the choice of every scheme finally. Through the striving of nearly three weeks, this each enters mold design to finish at last. According to the choice of the standard mould shelf, choice , direction and quartz form iron core processed of a mould of sureness sent to the precision of making protruding concave mould material meet the demands, meet market's needs.
The because designer one it restrict with ability, have much weak point in design for example: The material utilization ratio is only 21%, will influence economic benefits, but the size of the material utilization ratio and arranges one kind of decisions by the form of the work piece, the quartz form iron core both sides are large and asymmetric, the material utilization ratio is relatively low after the middle is very narrow to arranges kind. There is many workers location grade that enters benefit of the mould and adopts four mao and leads the post mould shelf - " practical mould technical manual ", the blanking strength of this mould leads the post mould shelf the middle not quite choosing under the prerequisite that the precision can be guaranteed basically. Can unquestionably bring very good benefit and serve the general public to invest the market while believing a mould soon, serve the society.
Keyword:Mold design and making,CAD software,craft analysis.
1. 图 1-1:工件图--------------------------------------------------------------------3
2. 图 3-1:排样图--------------------------------------------------------------------5
3. 图 3-2:坐标系下凹模形口----------------------------------------------------------9
4. 图 4-1:组合式凸模---------------------------------------------------------------12
5. 图 4-2:冲孔凸模-----------------------------------------------------------------13
6. 图 4-3:固定挡料销---------------------------------------------------------------14
7. 图 4-4:卸料板-------------------------------------------------------------------15
8. 图 6-1:模架简图-----------------------------------------------------------------18
9. 图 6-2:模柄---------------------------------------------------------------------19
表 3-1:材料利用率的计算表 ----------------------------------------------------- 6
表 3-2:冲压力的计算表 --------------------------------------------------------- 7
表 3-3:压力中心计算数值表 ----------------------------------------------------- 9
表 3-4:凸凹模刃口尺寸计算表 --------------------------------------------------- 10
表 6-1:模柄标准尺寸表 --------------------------------------------------------- 18
表 7-1:压力机型号表 ----------------------------------------------------------- 20
表 8-1:模具装配表 ------------------------------------------------------------- 21
表 9-1:机械加工工艺过程卡 ----------------------------------------------------- 22
表 9-2:模具典型零件机械加工工序卡 --------------------------------------------- 24

绪 论 ---------------------------------------------- 1
第一章 零件的工艺性分析 -------------------------- 3
1.1 工件的结构工艺性分析 -------------------------- 3
1.2 工件的尺寸精度和表面粗糙度的确定 -------------- 3
第二章 冲压方案的拟订 ------------------------------ 4
2.1 加工方案的确定 -------------------------------- 4
2.2 零件材料的分析 -------------------------------- 4
第三章 设计的主要计算 ----------------------------- 5
3.1排样 ------------------------------------------- 5
3.2冲压力的计算 ----------------------------------- 7
3.3确定压力中心 ----------------------------------- 8
3.4凸,凹模刃口尺寸计算 -------------------------- 10
3.5卸料装置的设计 -------------------------------- 11
第四章 主要零部件设计-----------------------------12
4.1 工作零件的结构设计 -------------------------- 12
4.1.1 落料凸模设计 ---------------------------- 12
4.1.2 孔凸模设计 ------------------------------ 12
4.1.3 凹模设计 -------------------------------- 13
4.2 定位零件的设计 ------------------------------ 13
4.3 导料销的设计 -------------------------------- 14
4.4 卸料部件的设计 ------------------------------ 14
4.4.1 卸料板的设计 ----------------------------- 14
4.4.2卸料螺钉选用 ------------------------------ 15
第五章 模具总体设计 ----------------------------- 16
5.1 模具类型的选择 ------------------------------ 16
5.2 定位方式的选择 ------------------------------ 16
5.3 卸料,出件方式的选择 ------------------------ 16
5.4 导向方式的选择 ------------------------------ 16
第六章 模架及其它零部件设计 -----------------------17
6.1 模架的设计 -----------------------------------17
6.2 圆柱销设计 ---------------------------------- 18
6.3 模柄的设计 ---------------------------------- 18
6.4 模具总装图 ---------------------------------- 19
第七章 冲压设备的选定 ----------------------------- 20
第八章 模具的装配 -------------------------------- 21
第九章 模具典型零件机械加工工序卡 -------------- 22
设计总结 ------------------------------------------- 25
致谢-------------------------------------------- 26
参考文献----------------------------------------- 27
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