此外,为了提高劳动生产率,降低劳动强度,保证加工质量,需设计专用夹具,本次设计选择了第八道工序钻5- 17,M48,M16的夹具设计,以满足加工过程的需要。
关键词:壳体; 工艺规程; 夹具
Abstract: The shell processing quality directly will affect the machine the performance and the service life. This design is for the purpose of enhancing the Z3050 radial drill drilling machine shell the processing efficiency, first has carried on the careful analysis from this us to the shell structure characteristic and the craft, then had determined set of reasonable processings plans, the processing plan request are simple, the ease of operation, and can guarantee the components the processing quality. In formulation processing technological process order as follows:
1 analysis is processed the components;
2 choices semifinished materials;
3 designs technological process: Including division technological process composition, preferred orientation datum, choice components surface processing method, arrangement processing order and so on;
4 working procedures designs: Including chooses the engine bed and the craft equipment, the determination processing remainder, the computation working procedure size and its the common difference, the determination cutting specifications and the computation man-hour and so on;
5 establishments technological document.
In addition, in order to enhance the labor productivity, reduces the labor intensity, guaranteed the processing quality, must design the unit clamp, this design chose the eighth working procedure to drill 5- 17, M48, the M16 jig design, by satisfied the processing process the need.
Key word: Shell; technological process;

前言 4
1 机械设计工艺设计任务书 5
1.1 设计题目 5
1.2 原始资料 5
1.3 设计内容 5
2 壳体的技术要求分析 6
2.1 摇臂钻床的介绍 6
2.2 技术要求分析 7
3 壳体的材料及毛坯种类的选择 8
4 壳体机械加工时的主要问题 8
4.1 孔和平面的加工工序 8
4.2 精粗加工后阶段进行 8
4.3 孔系加工方案的选择 8
5 壳体机械加工时定位基准的选择 9
5.1 粗基准的选择 9
5.2 精基准的选择 9
6 工艺路线的拟定 9
7 确定机械加工余量 11
7.1 平面加工 12
7.2 孔的加工 13
8 选择加工设备 14
8.1 选择机床 14
8.2 选择夹具 14
8.3 选择刀具 14
8.4 选择量具 14
9 确定切削用量,工时定额,切削力及其功率 15
9.1 切削用量的选择原则 15
9.2 铣平面 16
9.2.1 铣N面 16
9.2.2 铣M面 18
9.2.3 铣R面 19
9.2.4 铣S面 20
9.2.5 铣Q面 20
9.2.6 铣P面 21
9.3 孔加工 21
9.3.1 镗孔1,孔3,孔4 21
9.3.2 半精镗孔 22
9.3.3 精镗孔 23
9.3.4 粗镗孔2 24
9.4 钻孔 24
9.4.1 钻孔5-M18-7H 24
9.4.2 钻5- 18-7H 25
9.4.3 钻M48×2-7H 25
9.4.4 钻M16 1.5-7H 25
9.4.5 钻M42×1.5-7H 26
9.4.6 钻5- 17 26
9.4.7 钻4-M5-7H 26
9.5 螺纹加工 27
9.5.1 攻5-M8深15mm 27
9.5.2 攻M48×2-7H 27
9.5.3 攻M42×1.5-7H 27
9.5.4 攻M16×1.5-7H 28
9.5.5 攻4-M5-7H 28
10 绘制毛坯图和编制工艺卡 28
10.1 绘制零件-毛坯合图 28
10.2 编制工艺文件 29
11夹具设计 30
11.1夹具的定义 30
11.2 机床夹具的结构 31
11.3 第九道工序夹具的设计 31
11.3.1 确定工作方案 31
11.3.2 确定定位方案 32
11.3.3 计算夹紧力 32
11.3.4 夹紧结构的选择 33
11.3.5 其它元件的选择 33
11.3.6 绘制夹具总装配图 34
结论 36
谢 辞 37
参考文献 38