摘 要
关键词: 仿形车床;液压系统;PLC
The topic of this graduation project of mine is that the sphere cuts the dedicated device . Operation principle of main basis profile modelling turning of design plan of this dedicated device . Include the design of the bedside case and enter to the design of the organization. The bedside case wants satisfied 4 grades to change speed, and can apply the brake rapidly while changing the work piece . Enter to the organization including getting vertical, trough of slippery organizations of crank and type.
The vertical , two horizontal directions of the lathe tool move and adopt the hydraulic pressure to urge , so the design systematic in hydraulic pressure influences the working performance of the lathe directly rationally. Among hydraulic pressure system, bed saddle slip sport direction of piece control by one's own 3 electromagnetic reversing valve of Stone separately, sport its speed install in each cylinder going back to transfer speed valve and 2 electromagnetic reversing valves 2 times jointly control oil passaging. Is it flow valve adjust systematic oil pressure , adjust number value after can be measured by the manometer to overflow.
A fine dedicated device should reach : 1)Boost productivity and worker labor productivity, lighten worker work strong notably. 2)It is reliable that the work is steady, have long performance life. 3)Easy to maintain, with low costs. Verify according to theory above-mentioned schemes reach demanding basically.
Keyword: copying lathe ; hydraulic pressure system ;PLC

第1章 球面车削专用设备总体设计 1
1.1被加工零件方案设计分析 1
1.2机床的运动的确定 1
1.3机床主要技术参数的确定 1
1.3.1主轴转速的确定 1
1.3.2进给量的确定 1
1.3.3主运动驱动电动机功率的确定 1
第二章 主传动设计 3
2.1主传动的运动设计 3
2.1.1选定公比 3
2.1.2齿轮齿数的计算 4
2.2主传动的结构设计 4
2.3各齿轮的设计计算 4
2.3.1齿轮接触疲劳强度计算 4
2.3.2 确定主要几何参数和尺寸 6
2.4主轴组件的设计 8
2.4.1主轴组件的功用 8
2.4.2主轴组件的基本要求 8
2.4.3主轴组件的布局 8
2.4.4主轴的设计计算 8
2.5传动轴的设计计算 10
第三章 主轴箱展开图的设计 10
3.1各零件结构和尺寸设计 10
3.1.1设计内容和步骤 10
3.1.2有关零件结构和尺寸的确定 10
3.1.3各轴结构的设计 11
3.1.4主轴组件的刚度和刚度损失的计算 12
3.1.5轴承的校核 13
3.2装配图的设计 14
第4章 液压进给机构设计 15
4.1进给机构结构设计 15
4.2纵向进给液压缸性能参数的计算 15
4.2.1纵向进给液压缸主要尺寸的确定 15
4.2.2纵向进给液压缸活塞杆的稳定性验算和强度校核 16
4.3横向进给液压缸主要参数的确定 17
第5章 液压系统的设计 17
5.1液压系统的组成 17
5.2 液压缸的结构设计 17
5.3计算在各工作阶段液压缸所需流量 18
5.3.1纵向进给液压缸 18
5.3.2横向进给液压缸 18
5.4油泵电机的选择 18
第6章 电气部分设计 19
6.1电气设备概述 19
6.1.1电气控制的主电路部分设计 19
6.1.2电气控制的变压系统部分设计 19
6.2 PLC在本课题中的应用 19
6.2.1采用PLC的控制对象分析 19
6.2.2选用和确定I/O设备 20
6.2.3选择PLC的型号及I/O点数的分析 20
6.2.4控制程序设计 21
6.2.5上述控制程序中所应用列的主要元器件介绍 23
致 谢 23
参考文献 25