摘 要
What this thesis investigates is designing converter steel-making plant electromotion, with anther name molten iron cross-train. The cross-train is a kind of metallurgy vehicle, which is commonly used in steel-train. It can carry the melten iron from steel-making furnace to the next place, which is ready for the further working.
This thesis is mainly divided into two parts: power system design and locomotion system design. And the locomotion system design is the most important one. In this system, bodywork and moving mechanism design is the keystone which include the dimensions design of the transmission shaft and the main spare parts as the end-girder, the crossbeam, the nog of molten iron jar and so on. Bodywork is jointed by armor plate, and transmission shaft is adopted common mechanical cutting to process. Moreover, the content of this thesis also includes intensity checking and stability checking to make sure that the production has better stability and applicability. Two grade bevel-cylindrical gear reductor outside is used in the power system .
The dimensions are determined and the strength is checking out by the method of experience and the mechanics formula. At the same time, introducing the philosophy of optimum design to improve the production’s capability and to reduce costs.
In the research, the design concept of innovating present theory foundation is fully reflected, and the designed production has some good characteristics: more loading capacity, more practical, simple operation, safe and reliable, easy maintenance, and so on.
Keywords: cross-train, molten iron jar, mechanism design

目 录
第1章 绪论 5
1.1 引言 5
1.2 电动过跨车的组成和特点 5
1.3 电动过跨车的引用及现状 5
1.4 本论文的研究内容 6
第2章 电动过跨车的整体设计 7
2.1 电动过跨车整体方案确定 7
2.2 电动过跨车基本参数选择 9
2.2.1 过跨车轨距及额定工作速度 9
2.2.2 确定额定起重量 10
2.2.3 确定过跨车工作级别 10
2.3 电动过跨车的计算载荷 11
2.3.1 过跨车载荷计算概述 11
2.3.2 确定计算载荷的种类 13
第3章 运行机构设计选型 14
3.1 传动方式的方案选型 14
3.1.1 传动方式的可选方案 14
3.1.2 确定传动方案 16
3.2 车轮组的初步选型 16
3.2.1 过跨车支撑方式 16
3.2.2 估算自重及车轮组选型 16
第4章 车架的设计计算 19
4.1 车架的方案论证 19
4.2 车架的结构设计 20
4.2.1 车架主梁的形式 20
4.2.2 车架结构的形式 23
4.3 横梁的设计计算 23
4.4 端梁的设计计算 25
4.5 梁的稳定性验算 27
4.6 筋板的设计 27
4.7 确定过跨车的整体重量 28
第5章 动力系统设计 29
5.1 起重及冶金用电动机概述 29
5.1.1 起重及冶金用电动机的特点 29
5.1.2 YZP系列电动机主要参数的说明 29
5.2 电动机计算选型 31
5.3 计算传动比及减速器选型 32
第6章 过跨车零部件设计与选型 36
6.1 传动轴的设计计算及车轮轴验算 36
6.2 联轴器的选择 38
6.3 键的选择与校核 40
6.4 制动器的选择 42
结论 44
参考文献 45
致谢 47
附录 48