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摘   要
关键词:Auto CAD, 塑料,注射模,注射机。
Injection mold design of watches bracket
The main task of this paper is the structural design of injection molds, including plastic mold of the working principle and application of analysis of plastic parts, mold design and the overall design of the parts.
 Rough design ideas are as follows: through the plastic parts to the specific analysis of injection molding machine; according to the selected cavity injection molding machine to determine the number and layout; injection mold is the key to the design surface, it relates to product quality and mold design; gating system design including the design of the mainstream, separate design, gate design and the design of cold-feed points; row overflow filling system design to ensure results; molding part design terms, to ensure product quality and mold manufacturing; oriented institutions, for institutions, reset must be reasonable; cooling system designed to control mold temperature, affecting the quality of molding plastic parts.
Key Words: Auto CAD, Plastic, Plastic injection mold, Plastic injection.


目      录 
前    言    5
1 设计内容    6
2 设计目的    6
3.塑件成型的基本过程    7
4 塑件制品分析    8
5 型腔数量及排列方式    10
6 注射机的选用与校核    11
6.1注塑机的选择    11
6.2注射机的校核    11
6.2.1注射量的校核    11
6.2.2锁模力的校核    12
6.2.3 注射机安装模具部分的尺寸校核    12
7 分型面的确定    13
8 浇注系统设计    14
8.1浇注系统的基本概念    14
8.1.1浇注系统的组成    14
8.1.2浇注系统的作用    14
8.1.3浇注系统设计时要考虑的问题    14
8.2主流道设计    14
8.3 分流道设计    15
8.4浇口的设计    17
8.5 冷料穴的设计    17
9排溢系统的设计     18
10 成形零件的设计    19
10.1 成形零件应具备的性能    19
10.2型芯和型腔的结构形式设计    19
10.2.1型腔结构设计    19
10.2.2型芯结构设计    19
10.3成形零件的工作尺寸设计    19
10.4型腔侧壁和底板厚度的计算    21
11 导向机构设计    23
11.1 导向机构的作用    23
11.2 结构设计    23
12 脱模机构与复位机构设计    24
12.1.脱模机构    24
12.2 脱模机构设计原则    24
12.3 脱模机构的结构设计    25
12.4 顶料机构的设计    25
12.5复位机构设计    25
13 冷却系统的设计    26
13.1 冷却水孔的设计原则    26
13.2 冷却系统的计算    26
14 模具的整体设计    28
结  束  语    29
致   谢    31
参考文献    32